3: 𝐂𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧/𝐖𝐨𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐬

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(Hey my lovelies! Hope you enjoyed the last chapters very much! In the pic above, is what David looks like in this fanfic :> also I can't stop laughing at a quote I'm going to make Bowie say later on in the fic:


This was all so confusing.
She had been living down a miserable day in her room,
IN 2020!
When, she finds CANCER VACCINATIONS, knocks herself out,

The thing that was making it even more mysterious and exciting, was the fact she has the chance of saving her hero, like he saved her.
Without knowing- obviously. David Bowie, to Mia, was the best thing that ever existed.
He had saved her in so many ways, without knowing, and had truly stopped her from ending it all herself.
But why couldn't it be someone else?
Why her?
Mia was a nobody, her Father made sure of that nowadays.

Well. He made sure of that in 2020.

This, was the longest train ride Mia had ever been on.
She continuously tapped her black-boots against the weird flooring, lightly pressing her head against the window.
Rain started to pour down outside, giving her current position a kind-of aesthetic vibe.

The only thing left of her desserts, was the tiramisu.
Mia groaned, sitting up properly.
The ticket-man was coming.

Shit! How am I supposed to get out of the train if I don't have a ticket...

Mia wacked her head against the window, and pretended to snore.
The ticket-man stared at her, attempting to wake her up.
But no, she was out cold.

He left a ticket on her small table and walked away.

Phew! god damnit I'm not that prepared for this typa shit.

Mia pocketed the ticket, finishing the tiramisu.


A voice echoed through the train, as it came to a halt in Kings Cross Station.

Leaving the dessert boxes, Mia leapt up and dived out of the train before anyone else could run after her, she bolted towards the Large doors

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Leaving the dessert boxes, Mia leapt up and dived out of the train before anyone else could run after her, she bolted towards the Large doors.

Successfully escaping, Mia gasped at the glorious, London.

Big Ben loudly struck 8pm Mia ran, breath heaving, knees starting to ache

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Big Ben loudly struck 8pm
Mia ran, breath heaving, knees starting to ache.

Getting to a bus stop, She pulled out her old-Samsung phone, trying to figure out where exactly Bowie was.

'David Bowie's Events London'

Now that Mia was actually in London, she knew there would be a lot more of his small-events.
Particularly small, because the man had cancer.

Mia felt selfish, horribly selfish.
Before Bowie died, he created two amazing songs, his goodbye.
She felt selfish, particularly, because that was his sign to everyone that he was departing, and all she said that day when the songs were out, was:

"He has such a unique style! I wish he was my dad..."

Selfish, Right?!

She was 100% sure now, she will get to David Bowie, her hero, her FatherFigure.
And she will save him.
Even if it takes her instead of him.

Time-Travelling was nothing like the movies, Infact, the complete opposite.
You didn't get to choose what time or year you get sent back to.
And when you did get sent back, you have to find out for yourself what you have to do.
In Mias case, she didn't care if it was about anyone expect Bowie.

I will save him. I will.

A Double-Decker bus approached, Mia stepped inside.

"Uh.. Excuse me? Where does this bus take you?" Mia asked, slightly having to shout.

"Oh, Just takes you to the centre of London, takes ya to all the Shops in the high street." The Bus-Drivers said, his cockney accent made silently giggle.

"Oh, okay, the shops, please."
"Alrighty, that'll be £1.99" He said.

Mia raked through her back pocket, grabbing the £2 coin.
She slid it into his hand, before racing to the very back of the bus.

*Bowie accent*

Mia leapt out of the bus, thanking the bus driver and heading straight for 'HMV' The CD-Vinyl shop down the street.
Bowie was supposed to be doing a CD signing there, so Mia would have to ask about it.

And sure enough, as she came closer to the large shop, There were Bowie posters everywhere

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And sure enough, as she came closer to the large shop, There were Bowie posters everywhere.
Lampposts, windows, walls, even on someone's pram.

Mias heart stung.
If I don't save Bowie, I'll never forgive myself.

As she walked into the large shop, three employees at the till where wearing the same Aladdin Zane shirt.

Mia faked a smile, and headed towards one of the employees.

"E-Excuse me?..."
"Oh, Yeah? Welcome to the store." The woman said, whilst putting a few coins into the till.

"I-... When is David Bowie coming here? Just wondering..."

"Oh, Yeah. That. He's coming next week or something. He's called the other day and said it would be his last signing of 2015." The woman replied, still not paying attention.

Oh. His last signing of '2015' we all know what that means...
he thinks he's going to die. I'm not letting it happen.

"Thanks, it's just I've came a long way, and he's been cancelling a lot of events in my town and stuff."
"Mmhm." The woman slurred, completely ignoring Mia by now.
Mia rolled her eyes and stomped out of the shop.
At least now she knew, Bowie would be there next week.

Thing is, what's she supposed to do until then?

I, am homeless.
For Bowie.

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