14: Discussions...Deep Discussions...

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Wassup yall🤣 hope you enjoyed the last chapter! Only a few more chapters until this book is complete! And then, I shall start a medium-sized labyrinth doc, I know I'm so sorry to keep you guys waiting on the-
'You Pale Jewel 2'   - fanfic, but believe me, it'll be worth the wait!
There WILL be a comfort Labyrinth fanfic in between it though!


Bowie sat in-front of her bed, signing the sheets that were basically a bunch of crap!
All it was, was his name and date of birth, along with Mias date of birth- since he was her new-temporary guardian.

As he handed the fat, blotchy-blonde the files, David groaned, feeling a sudden agonising burn in his wrist.
Mia grinned, strutting out of the small bathroom, fully kitted out in her usual-black Bowie clothes.

Mia grinned, strutting out of the small bathroom, fully kitted out in her usual-black Bowie clothes

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He smiled, staring at the shirt she was wearing.
He remembered buying her that from this knock-off store in the middle of London.
He had to wear a top-hat and wig like he did in the 70's- as a disguise-.

Mia twirled, patting her leather-leggings.

Oh how glad she was to be leaving the hospital, She wanted nothing more, than to stay with Bowie.
Thing was, she had to go back to 2020 sometime.

And Mia certainly wasn't ready for that at this very moment.
It was hard to even think about, honestly.

Processing his first death was enough, but having to process his death in a dream- I mean, damn!

Is this supposed to be her new normal?
Being stuck in 2016 with David Bowie?
Come to think of it, it doesn't sound that bad, but she has to go back to 2020 so that Bowie definitely doesn't die.
Like a game, before you die, you need to set a spawn-point or checkpoint, so when you do die in the game, it'll save what happened last.

If that makes sense—

Shaking out of her trance, Mia leapt forward into Bowie's arms, she just needed a hug after all this, dammit.
Bowie smiled, and stroked her arm.

"It is time, Lady Mia, to go back to my humble abode!" David shouted, sounding completely and utterly like Jareth.

Mia laughed again, and took his hand.
Just before they opened the door, David squeezed her hand.
"Be careful, their VULTURES." David stayed, and before Mia could even comprehend what he meant, she was blinded by flashing white lights, and chanting.

David squeezed her hand tighter, walked her through the oceans of press, that continued to surround them.

Mia ducked her head, and gripped onto David, as he pulled her out of the double-glass doors, and into his black car, which was driven by his Chauffeur, Maxwell.

Mia ducked her head, and gripped onto David, as he pulled her out of the double-glass doors, and into his black car, which was driven by his Chauffeur, Maxwell

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Maxwell was a tall, tanned, muscular blonde, who looked like he was around 35 or something.

Maxwell was a tall, tanned, muscular blonde, who looked like he was around 35 or something

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(Honestly every single blonde guy on the internet (expect jareth and Bowie) is ugly af)

Any girl would fall head over heels for men like this, but not Mia.
Mia attempted not to projectile vomit out of the car window, as he winked at her.
She already hated him.

David laughed and smiled at her, his hand still gripped onto hers reassuringly.
She eased a little, and watched as the psycho press tried to snap photos of the inside of their car too.

'How desperate can people get?'


The day had flew in, it was already 8pm, and Mia was genuinely knackered.
All she wanted right now, was her pillow.
Making her way to the guest-bedroom, She bolted up the small-stairs, and turned the sharp corner.

Brushing her fingers along the electric guitars as she ran, Mia finally stopped outside of the door.
Suddenly, the memories of that night came into her mind.

She gagged in her mouth, and turned around, jumping down the stairs and landing head-first on the sofa, with an "OOMPH"

Clattering was heard, then a CRACK and then, a loud bang.
Raising her head high enough to see the tip of the couch, Mia groaned, attempting to speak but her voice muffled.

David came crashing out of the kitchen, hair, clothes and well, everything disheveled.
Panic was stricken all over his face, his mismatched eyes glistened with pure fear.

Mia smiled, and sat up.

"A-Are you okay?! Did you fall?! Are you hurt?!" He planted, hands on knees.

"I'm fine. I just, don't want to go in my room."
He nodded, and turned, before realising what she said and turned again on his heels.

"What? Why not? Is something wrong with it?Is it not-" Mia cut him off sharply.

"Two people had sex on my bed at the party. That's why I went into your room, and that's why I went inside your bed." She stated,

David dropped the phone he was holding, and his mouth formed an 'o' in realisation.

"D-Do you by any chance, remember what they looked like? I'm filing charges. Immediately." David.

Mia tried to rack her brain, but to no avail.

"No." She stated, and looked at her lap.
David smiled slightly, and walked back into the kitchen.

"You can sleep in my room!"

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