16: G-Goodbye

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Hey guys I'm so sorry how crappy the Last chapter was, I'll try make it up to you guys! I need suggestions on how Mia figures out to go back to 2020! AND how she goes back.
Nows your chance guys! Any good ideas I'll just use :))



"Listen, I think we have to talk about what we are supposed to do... regarding the..." She stopped herself from continuing, but David caught on.

Mia sheepishly smiled, David struggled to hide the sadness that was threatening to show in his eyes.
She saw him smile, and grinned.

"Well, I was thinking, if I got the photograph, and wished that I could be in 2020..."

David nodded, taking everything in.

He let go of her, and stood from the sofa, glaring at a blank wall.

"I'm sorry... I-" Her cries were cut off by David, as he flung his arms ever-so-tightly around her, she hugged him back, shoulders racking with soft sobs.

He stroked her back softly.

"You do know, I'll wait for you. I'll wait as long as it takes. For my daughter." He softly spoke, smiling at her.

"P-Promise?" Mia asked, whimpering.
Bowie nodded, handing her the photograph.

She cried out, pulling away from him.
He plastered another wide smile on his face, some tears flew down his cheeks.

"You, are the most amazing person that has ever lived, David Bowie, you are my hero. I-I am so glad I got the chance to save you, the chance to be back here with you..." Mia sobbed, tears dropped down her cheeks, and soaked onto her shirt.

David leaned forward, and wiped her tears, smiling as tears started to pour down his cheeks too.

"I owe you, my entire life, Mia. You are the only one, I shall ever love. It's an honor having you as my daughter."
With that, Mia cried out, placing her hand on his warm-tear-stained- cheeks.

"I'll see you in 4 years." She sobbed, David, for one last time, hugged her as tight as possible.

"You're my heart, without you I don't work...
You're my air, without you I don't breathe...
You have truly changed my life, Mia Bowie Jones."

She smiled, he attempted to smile through his tears.

She gripped onto the photograph, and her heart sunk.

"It's happening so quick. I-It's like I'm never going to see you again."

"Mia Bowie, as soon as you wake up there, I'll be at the door. And we, will be together forevermore."

She smiled again, wiping her tears.
David Bowie walked forward, and held her tightly, arms wrapped around her shoulders.


"I wish I could be taken back to 2020..."

Mias body slumped in his arms, David cried out, finally allowing his sobs to ring out throughout the apartment.


The elevator doors bung open, Zane rushed out.

David turned, Mias body disappearing in his arms.

Zane looked like she hadn't slept in ages, David didn't bother to stand, he just stared at her, his face stricken with tears.

"They...They're everywhere! Press, News, EVERYTHING! Wait..Was that..
What the FUCK is going on?!"

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