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I'm in pain
It hurts


For the first time, in a couple years, the Starman was vulnerable to the press.
He had allowed the tears to fall In-front of all of the Reporters, Press and Newspaper-dudes.

David couldn't even go back to his own home, as their were thousands of News reporter waiting there for him.
Nothing felt safe anymore.

But, after a few days of blaming himself about what happened to Mia, Bowie started to not blame himself.
If possible, it had all hit him as one large realisation of... well, Life.

Another day in the hospital, another weeks worth of watching his Daughter unconscious.
Thank god, she had been recovering extremely well.
She had been gaining more and more weight from the tube as the days went past, and soon enough, they would remove it.
As in, tomorrow.
They planned to remove the tube tomorrow.

Even the thought of her coming home soothed him, but what would she do then?
She would probably go back to 2020, and then David would have to wait 4 years and however many months, to save her.

Will I even manage to cope without her?
You will.
I can do it.


The tall figure crept slowly towards her, angry glare fitted upon his fatassface.
His grey-fawnish curly hair was extremely disheveled, his large grey-sweater wrinkled and his sleeves rolled up to his elbows.

As Mia cowered further into the wall behind her, Arthur continued to creepily walk closer, threateningly glaring at her, hands balled in fists.
Mia was unable to speak, somehow.

She thought about Bowie, her hero... her father figure

She balled her hands into fists and lunged forward, lungs suddenly beseeching for air.
She threw a fist in his ugly assed face, he groaned, punching Mia in the rib cage.

She flew back against the wall, agony taking over her chest.
She thought of David Bowie again, how she saved him and how he saved her from herself.

Throwing another hard fist straight on his nose, Mia leapt back, pouncing out of the door and racing down the cramped-staircase.
She heard his thundering steps behind her, chasing her as she leapt out of the front door, the cold breeze came blasting in their faces.

She starting running faster, the pavement twisting and turning as she managed to lose him.

She leaned against a brick wall, expelling a shuddering breath as she sat.
A familiar red convertible flew around the corner, her breath hitched as she saw David Bowie in the drivers seat.

"No...He-He'll kill David... n-no!" Mia shouted as she ran after the car, watching as Arthur seen Mia, and started running towards her at full speed.
David flew out of the car, spotting Mia being chased by the fatass.

"Mia! MIA!" He shouted, as soon as she saw him, she came blasting towards him.
He wrapped his arms around her, as she placed her head on the crook of his neck.

She whimpered, and pulled away, as they headed back to the car.
Mia spotted Arthur running towards them, she gasped, and screamed.
David flew around, and leapt infront of her.
Arthur pulled a knife out of his pocket and plunged it straight in David's heart.

Mia screamed again, tears flew down her rosy cheeks as she held his limp body in her arms.
Tears slowly poured from his mismatched eyes.

"Dad... No.. p-please no.. hang in there! Okay hang in there..."
David smiled up at her, knowing his end.

"I-It's been an amazing journey with you, Mia. I'm sorry I wasn't there for the first part of your life, and I won't be for the rest of it... I love you, My Daughter..." He gasped for air one more time, before his gorgeous mismatched eyes closed.
David Bowie is dead...

"Dad... DAD! DAD NO PLEASE! NO! DAVID!" She screamed, the loudest and most pained thing you would ever hear.

She screamed again, sobbing.

"DAD NO!!!!!" She sobbed again, hands placed on his cheek.

Suddenly, a flashing white light hit her all-ways, she screamed again.


Mia sat up, tears falling down her face, she screamed out, calling for her Dad. Her hero.
David shot up from his chair, and started crying.

"M-MIA! YOUR AWAKE!" David sobbed, ignoring that she called him 'Dad'

She flew out of bed and wrapped her arms around him, and sobbed into the crook of his neck.

"I love you, Dad."

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