13: Nightly Mare.

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Hey guys, so the font I've been using on my keyboard for the titles ran out so I- yeah I can't use the fonts anymore. Sorry bout it.

Also, sorry if the chapters aren't satisfactory, I just feel broken.


As he listened to everything she labeled off of the tops of her fingers, David smiled.
He missed her so much more than he had realised.
He obviously apologised multiple-times for what he believed was 'his fault'

Mia told him constantly it wasn't his fault, and she even sobbed at one point, begging him to forgive her, but he had forgiven her long ago.
Only thing was, that Mia wasn't sure how to tell David he got stabbed in her nightmare, and that was how she woke up.

She constantly glared at the large-sealed gash on her wrist, she felt ashamed.
Why did she want to leave everything? Why did she want to leave David? Her New-Dad?
The only reason she wanted to end it all in the past, was because David was already dead.
But no, she saved him, so there was no purpose to kill herself.

David softened, as he saw the confusion on Mias face as she looked at her outfit.

She laughed, and raised her eyebrows at him.

"Ha. Who in the hell put this..thing on me?" She laughed, setting Bowie off too.

Bowie placed his hand on his heart, and laughed even harder, a true smile was on his face for the first time in four weeks, She smiled, and looked at her lap

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Bowie placed his hand on his heart, and laughed even harder, a true smile was on his face for the first time in four weeks, She smiled, and looked at her lap.

"You picked it?" She smiled widely, it warmed her heart to know these things, especially when it included David Bowie.

The two smiled, laughed, and talked and talked for the rest of the evening.
And soon enough, David Bowie demanded a mattress from another room, he lay it on the floor and they sleep beside each other.

David promised her he would be there for Mia, through and through.

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