5: 𝐁𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧?

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Man had a damn good sense of humour.

anyways- hope you enjoy this chapter, My Goblins!💚🦹🏼


As he let tears fall down his face, David hastily wiped them, still staring off at London, through the ice-cold window.

A lump formed inside of his throat.

"So... Who told you? Eh? Duncan? Kirsty? Does the whole fan-base know about this little stunt?
What did you say, huh? Oh! I know what I'll do today, I'll make David Bowie feel like SHIT and tell him a whole fake story, and give him a lot of shit." He angrily asked, back facing her still.

At this point, Mia was full-out sobbing.
Shoulders racking, eyes aching, cheeks red and puffy, She officially looked like a world-class mess.
Her heart was throbbing in agony, at his words.

The biggest lump formed in her throat, she started whimpering, attempting to swallow the lump in her throat.

Bowie turned to face her, his mid-matched eyes burning like embers.
His eyes softened as he saw the girl in-front of him.

Her shoulders racked with each sob, eyes puffy and red, lips curled into the biggest frown he'd ever seen.
She looked at him in the eyes, his heart stung as he stared angrily at her.

Why would she dare lie about this?! Why would Kirsty or Duncan tell a random 12 year old about me having Cancer?!

It suddenly hit him like a train in the face.
Kirsty couldn't have told anyone, she doesn't know anyone under the age of 24, and David had his entire trust in Duncan.

How did this Girl find out then?
And why had she chosen the most horrible story to tell him?

Her hands shook, whilst she grabbed something from her back-pocket.

As she carefully lifted it out, David saw the object more clearer.
It was an old photograph.

She sat it on the desk, Intending for him to look at it.

As he slowly, yet carefully took the small taped-together photograph, his eyes widened, mouth agape at what he saw.
There, on the photo, exactly like Mia had described, was her, at 8 years old, with a man, who David guessed was Her Father,
What shook him to the core, was that behind them, Was the biggest possible Poster of Aladdin Sane.

In red and blue bold words, above the poster was the words:


He dropped the photograph, staring intently at Mia in the eyes.

Her OneBlue+OneGreen eyes glistened, She wasn't lying.

David wobbled over, sitting back down at the desk.
He stared at Mia, then at the 7 Vials, mouth agape.

Mia handed him her old-Samsung phone, showing him an article about her asshole father, Arthur Penhantalon.

Mia handed him her old-Samsung phone, showing him an article about her asshole father, Arthur Penhantalon

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And sure enough, That was the same man from Mia's taped-together photograph.


As David read the year this article was written, he gasped, wobbling backwards a little.

' Friday 4th December 2019 '

Mia nodded at him, all she wanted to do was hug him so tightly, she wished he was her dad.

He looked up at her again from her phone.

Handing her the phone back, David Bowie sat on the chair, deeply considering what was going to happen if he risked it, and took the 'Vaccinations'

Nothing, in his life, could get worse at this point.
He nodded to her, his way of telling her he believed her.

As he grabbed the letter from earlier, David read through the Lazarus lyrics she had noted down, his heart leapt in his throat.

This girl, was from the future. Here to save him.

His life continued to surprise him each damn day.
Mia stood, she promised herself that she wouldn't do what she was about to, but she needed to.

As she stood behind David's chair, she wrapped both arms around him, and hugged him tightly.
It took him by surprise for a moment, before he leaned into the hug, wrapping his arms around her too.

"Thank you for believing me... I-I thought you would've kicked me out and screamed angrily at me or-or..." Mia cut herself off, she couldn't say it. No could find out and that's the way it would remain.

He looked at her in the eyes, his mis-matched eyes glistened at her.
She softened, as tears prickled at her eyes.
She pulled away from him, taking it all in.

I done it.
David Bowie believes me and all I have to do now, is get him to drink a Vial, then, I'll be taken back to 2020.

She turned around, her back facing him.
Suddenly, her heart wrenched.
Did she really have to go back to 2020?...

Mia placed her hand against the cold window, mist surrounding her palm.

If she stayed in 2015, she would remain homeless, with no clothes expect the ones she was currently wearing.
And She had to let David grow back to his normal Weight and strength.
She had to go back to 2020.

She turned swiftly, knowing her time in 2015 was over.

Her eyes glistened with tears as she stared at Bowie, her hero, her father figure which she needed to save.

She softly picked up a Vial, placing it in David's hand.
He curled his fingers around it, hanging onto it tightly.
Smiling at Mia, he stood, and wrapped his arms fully around her.

"Thank you. Thank you so so much." He whispered, pulling away from the hug.
She nodded smiling at him.

"Your welcome. I had to save you. I couldn't let you die. Your my hero, David Bowie, my life-lo Nd, Father-Figure, hero. And you didn't deserve any of that. So, live your life long." His heart warmed intensely at her words, he smiled at her.
She smiled back, as he opened the Vial.

Mia started breathing heavily, as she watched him wink at her, and pour it all down his throat.
And as expected, a thundering pain started throbbing inside her head.

She groaned.
Damn it's fucking a lot worse than the first time

She winked back at him.
"That's me out. Please, in 2020, July 23rd, late afternoon, come to Glasgow, 21 LanLoch road, it's a white council house. Please save me from him." Tears fell from her eyes.

He held her hands reassuringly.

"I promise you, I will save you. No matter what happens." Her hero, David Bowie promised, squeezing her hands tighter as he spoke.

"I'll save you all over again, Mia. "
Tears fell from both of their eyes.
He had known her for just under an hour now, and already knew that she needed saved from Arthur.
That was his job.
July 23rd 2020, 21 LanLoch road. Glasgow.

Save the girl who saw him as her hero, who saw him as her dad.

She fell back, slumping against the navy-blue wall.
David wrapped his arms around her back, as he expected her to vanish.
She didn't.

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