11: 𝐒𝐨𝐫𝐫𝐨𝐰𝐟𝐮𝐥

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What is up yall?! How are you guys doing?
I'm so sorry about the last chapter and if I upset anyone, or.. sorry.

hey, no one cares Mia.
it's me.
Must you always curse?
you won't.


He bounced his leg continuously off of the cold ground.
The surgery had went successfully, and she was okay.
But there was a few problems, they had to feed her through a tube.
The nurses had taught David how to feed her, and how to flush the tube with water to hydrate her.

It was his fault.
He blamed himself deeply, just because he took a five minute break from the intoxicating party.
He thought it would have been a small sweet thing, but no.
Guess nothing is ever easy.

He scarred that thought into his head 40 years ago.

Mia had been unconscious for about two days now.
Bowie was starting to worry, horribly.
Every time Zane visited, David sat alone in a trance, blaming himself for everything that's ever happened.

Mia must've woken about once in the past two-three days, and that was when a nurse was injecting her with something.

They had sealed her Gash the night they arrived at the hospital, stitched her up and they were supposed to take the stitches out tonight, because they thought Mia would've woken by now.
But she hasn't.

The door slammed open, shaking David violently out of his trance.
Zane stood, hands on her hips, red hair shining from the sun.

"Bowie. I've been calling you for 50 minutes! Where's your phone?!" She shouted, but calmed down as soon as she saw his red puffy eyes, cheeks stained in tears.

"Oh." She stated as Bowie took his phone out of his pocket, it was dead.

Dragging a chair to the other side of Mias bed, the two sat in an awkward silence.

Zane tapped her boot against the Lino-floor, staring at her hands, then Mia.
Who knew how such a sweet girl could be so damaged inside?

"Well.. at least she got here in time?" Zane said, but it sounded more like a question.

"Mhm." David Ignored her attempts at a conversation, his eyes set on Mia.
His mismatched eyes shone darkly with sadness.

Zane stood, and wrapped her arms around David.
He warmed into the hug, tears prickled as he looked deeper at Mia.

"It's my fault, Zane. It's all my fault." David uttered under his breath.
Zane pulled away, shoving a few strands of his shoulder-length brown hair out of his face.

"David Bowie, None of this, is your fault. You hear me? None of it. You made that girl happier! Not that I knew who she was before but, yeah! Happier!" She quipped, stroking hair arm.

David smiled, not the biggest smile he's ever pulled, but he smiled, for the first time in days.

Before he could speak, a herd of nurses stormed in, unclipping Mias feeding tube and dragging her hospital bed away, pulling her out of the room.

David pulled away from Zane, panic striking him hard.

"Wh-where are you taking her?!" He shouted, as she chased them down the hallway.

They stopped, one nurse turned around.

"Mr Jones is it? We are taking her to her daily flush for her feeding tube."
David's mouth formed an 'O' as he watched his little girl get pulled away.

Zane stroked his arm from behind him.
He turned, staring at her.

"David, you have to stop worrying, she's in a much better place here right now, and I think, now that she's in your life, she's created it all over again." Zane softly said, as David smiled wider, finally calming down a little.

"I-I think that I..."
Zane nodded, pushing him to continue.

"I think that I want to adopt Mia."

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