17: Bowie-2018

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My god Jesus begonias
This chapters gonna be short so.. yeah.


"Oh for Gods sake, no." David refused another meal, He hadn't been eating lately, in about 2 weeks.
Only things like coffee.

"David, You can't just stop eating for another 2 years." Kirsty stated, shoving the plate of food back towards David.

"I feel empty without her..."
He ignored her, and stood, making his way to the sofa.
The apartment was still the same as it was 3 years ago, just a little more cluttered.

"Then why can't you just go now?! Get in a damn car and go to her house or something."
Kirsty shouter, raising her arms in the air.

"It-It's not as easy as that. She'll have no clue what's going on, it will completely ruin time. I must wait until July 2020..." He whisper-shouted.

"Okay okay, at least eat, for her." Kirsty handed Bowie a small-hamburger, and stared him down as he nibbled at it.

He glared at her, she laughed, raised her arms in defence- and waved her goodbyes to him.


The elevator doors swung open again, David was currently asleep on the sofa,
Heavy footsteps thundered around him, he groaned, and pulled the blanket further over his face.

The blanket was soon ripped from his grip, a suit was flung onto his half-sleeping body.
He groaned again,
"Leave me alone, I'm sleeping.." He muttered, but soon enough heard Zane.

"You have a damn interview in 20 minutes! Move your ass!" She shouted, waking him up instantly.

Flustered, David sat up, grabbing the suit and flinging himself into the downstairs bathroom.
Zane laughed, and propped herself up against the empty wall, next to his electric guitars.

David flung a wet-comb through his medium-length hair, slapping aftershave onto his cheeks before spraying a shit-ton of deodorant around his arms and other parts.

"Oh god. Come on! Time is ticking!"  Zane punched the door, as David hurriedly slipped on the grey-suit.

Finally, He swung the door open, pushing past Zane, almost breaking the elevator-button.


Zane dragged him into the car, she didn't speak.
After everyone found out that David Bowie had an almost-adopted daughter, three years had passed and yet the press were all still latching onto that, the more David told them about Mia.

"Im taking you to McDonalds, and you will eat." She stated, flinging the radio on, he laughed as one of his old songs came on.
This one specifically- Mias favourite.
China Girl

He hummed along with himself, tapping his shoe against the inside of the car-door.
Zane sniggered, as she listened to David's 70's voice, not that different honestly.

As the song faded off, another Bowie song came on, this one being another one of Mias favourites.
Rebel Rebel

"Ha, They really love you today, don't they?" Zane laughed, David laughed with her, as they stopped at the McDonalds drive in.

"Right, I'm ordering for you. BigMac, and large fries. I'll kill you with my bare-hands so help me god if you don't eat, David."
He nodded sheepishly, resting his head against the window.

He laughed as she continued to swear down the small microphone at the employee.
"Yes! For fuck sake is it that hard?!" Zane smacked her boot onto the pedal, and drove through, snatching the food-bags and throwing it on David's lap.

"I think, these next two years may be goi NBC according to plan so far..."
Zane smirked.

"They certainly will with me in them!"

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