Chapter 7: Prepare

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Ms. Hera blew her whistle and I ran. I lived in the getto, I had to run full sped to my bus stop which was a half a bock or two away from my house. So yes, I am very very fast. I didn't stop until I got back to the starting/finishing line. That's when I relieved that the class was only half way finished with the track, that Peter was half and a quarters way finished with the track, and that Ms. Hera was looking completely shocked because I didn't have a single bead of sweat on me. And yes it's winter and yes we are in London but you can work up a sweat while running a huge track like this. Peter finished and stared at me with utter shock, that I even laughed. He looked so dumb and stupid, I couldn't help it. Oh, I just remembered something. 

"Cat got your tongue, Panoca?" 

"It is Pan to you, Darling!"

"Why don't you call me by my first name, Peter?" I sighed in exasperation. 

"You don't want my to call you Darling, well how about," He put a finger on my chin, pretending to think, "...Wendybird?"

"On second thought, Darling's fine."


"Well, why Wendybird?"

"Because some birds looks so fragile and are really quite the opposite."

I rolled my eyes a this stupid, stupid boy.

Welp, I'm not gonna be convincing him anytime soon, so whatever. I'll let it go. This time. The rest of the class came up to us, panting and staring at me with wide eyes. I shyly smiled and waved. "Hi? Ehe..." Before anyone could pile me with questions, Ms. H came in the 'conversation' and said, "ALRIGHT, THE BELL'S GONNA RING IN TEN, SO GO CHANGE AND GET YOUR THINGS READY!" Phew, and when I tell you I ran to the changing area, I ran! ...Fast! I quickly changed back into my dress and put my hair back into a braid. I grabbed my water bottle I left in my locker and took a swig of the liquid. I sighed and walked out side to see everyone turn to me. Lily ran up to me and glared at the others so they would stop..and thank Disney they did. We talked for another seven minutes and then the bell rang. I had History and she had Biology, so we went separate ways.

When I got there, a plump man who I assumed is the teacher cam up to me. "Oh, you must be W-W-Wendy D-D-D-D-D-D-D-Darling, I'm the h-history t-teacher, Mr. Sm-Smee." Aw, he seems so sweet for a teacher. I smiled and responded, "Yes sir, that would be me." "M-marvel-lous, y-you can si-t next t-to Her-ercules ov-ver th-there," He pointed to a muscular jock with golden-orange hair. Grreaaaaaaat, another boy. Note my sarcasm. But father says I have to be a polite young girl so here it goes. I gave Mr. Smee a thank you and sat down next to Hercules. I put my books down and held out my hand. "Hi! I'm Wendy Darling, the new transfer student." He looked at me and smiled. He grabbed my hand and shook. "So, you're the girl my half cousin, Ariel was eating with at lunch. Cool." Hmm. He seemed nice. But so did Peter. We parted hands and I said, "Yes, me and here met this morning in homeroom. She is very nice." He nodded and said "That's Ariel, completely different from her sisters." "Good to know." 

Class started and we started learning about the gods and goddesses. "S-so, D-Disn-ney created aaaaall of the world along with ou-our gods: Mic-ckey- God of Laughter, Luck, and Joy, Donald- God of Bad Luck, Anger, and Pr-pride, and our God-d-desses: Minney, Goddess of Cheer and White Ma-magic, and Daisy, G-goddess o-o-o-of Flo-flowers and n-nn-nature." After that I zoned out, because I already learned all of this from my last school, sigh, my knowing self. 

"Hey, you bored yet?" I turned to see Hercules. "Yeah, I already learned all of this. And aced it." "Nice." I shrugged. We conversaited after Mr. Smee said we could for the last ten minutes of class. He seems like a relatively nice guy to hang with. Smart, funny, kind, but more like a little...well older, brother figure. Apparently his dad, Zeus Olympias, keeps repeatedly cheating on his wife (which is our P.E. teacher, Ms. Hera.) He comforts his mom when needed and tells her to leave him but she thinks he'll change, so she stays. I pat his back and say, "Hey, it's alright. Maybe you should try to.... do things with your take her out to the mall...or her favorite place. It helps girls when we're sad. We feel appreciated and/ or loved." He nods his head and smiles. The bell rings and Mr. Smee dismisses us. He stops me and Hercules and says, "Mr. Ol-Olympias, could you l-let Ms. D-D-D-D-Darling your Hist-tory not-trbook please, so sh-she can co-copy your n-notes?" "Sure Mr. S, I'd be happy to, sir." Mr. Smee smiled, "Oh, thank you, now you b-best be off now, your next classes st-start in four m-minutes." We both nod and leave. "Thanks, Herc," I said as he gave me his notebook. "Herc. I like it." We laughped and went to our classes.

The rest of the school day past by and the final bell rang. I grasped my school bag and dropped all my needed books and things needed to complete my studying and homework. I walked out the school grounds and down the empty path. My favorite song came up in my head and I started humming. After three two minutes of humming, I looked around to make sure the path was deserted and started singing from where I left off from my humming. 

"I wanna see the sunrise and your sins, Just you and me. Light it up, on the run," I hummed the net line and continued, "Make it up, fall in love, try.....But you'll never be alone. I'll be with you from dusk till dawn. I'l be with you from dusk till dawn. Baby, I'm right here. I'll hold you when things go wrong. I'll be with you from dusk till dawn. I'll be with you from dusk till dawn. Baby, I'm right here. I'll be with you from dusk till dawn. Baby, I'm right here," I got into the song and closed my eyes, still walking the path.

"We were shut like a jacket, so do your zip. We will roll down the rapids, to find a wave that fits. Can you feel where the wind is, Can you feel it through, All of the windows, inside this room. Cause I wanna touch you, baby, I wanna feel you too-" 

"That can be arranged, Darling." I jumped and turned to mt side with my fist up. JUST FIVE MINUTES! FIVE MINUTES OF PEACE! IS THAT SO MUCH TO ASK FOR, DISNEY!?!? I already knew it was Peter by the Darling and the accent but hey, instincts! Buuuut, I punched his arm hard anyway. 

"OW! What the hell?!" I shrugged then asked "How long were you there?"

He smirked evilly. "Long enough to see that you, Darling, have a crush."

"I. DO. NOT! And that is definitely not why I sang that song!" I crossed my arms and continued walking, but a little faster. He caught up and asked, "Then why?" I stopped and turned to him. " none of your business!" I was about to walk again, but then this nosy brat grabbed my arm firmly. "Oh, come on, just tell." The reason kept running in my mind that I teared up. I couldn't let him see me cry so I some how go out off his grip and backed away, my house right across the street. "See you at dinner." I said dangerously calm and sprinted into my house.

Peter's Pov

I walked to my front door and whispered, "Be prepared, Darling." Then walked in.


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