Chapter 18: Play changes

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Wendy went to her music class with Alice, Lily, and Ariel, but ended up separating when Ms. Fawn put the class in two groups. One group of the people are were participating in play, the rest are the people who aren't.

"People who aren't going to be in the play, can play Monopoly or any other game in the cabinets! That will be your side of the room! People who are in the play, I have some news! Split up!"

Wendy, Tigerlily, and Ariel went with the participating group. "Alright, so you may have noticed in the middle of the script and forward, there's blank. The PTO has tried to think of something to add, but we decided to do Tim Burton's The Nightmare Before Christmas since Halloween is coming up!" The three gasped with excitement. Lily and Ariel turned to Wendy. "Wendy, you have to try out for Sally!"

"As if! I'm obviously gonna be Sally!" A voice butted into the convo. The turned their heads to see Tinkerbell with two other girls, Evie and Mal, behind her. Lily rolled her eyes. "Yeah, right, because you can actually carry a smidgen of a tune," She commented, sarcasm dripping from her words. "Uh!" Tink flipped her pixie cut, which was pu-thetic, since it was really really short, and strutted away, Evie and Mal on her tail.

"They are too annoying!" Ariel exclaimed. Lily nodded. Wendy huffed. "Very!"

After getting the new script, Wendy started looking at the scene changes, Sally's lines, and then the ending part. No kiss. Good. If she got the Sally part because of some miracle, she wouldn't want to kiss some random dude!

"Choose the part you want! if you want to be apart of the backstage crew, come with me!" Wendy stood up to follow, but, of course, Ariel pulled her back into a bean bag chair. "Nuh Uh, you're auditioning for Sally." Wendy blew a loose strand of hair out of her face, exasperated. "There's about ten music classes in this school! I have barely any chance of getting the part, you guys!"

"Wendy, listen! You got a great voice!"

"I never even sang in front of you guys before-"

"That's beside the point!"

"Not really-"

"Yes it is! Just be confident! You got this!"

Wendy deeply inhaled. "You're right! It's not like I'll get the part anyways but still!"

Ariel patted her pack. "Atta girl!"

"And I'll also be auditioning with you guys, I've changed my mind!" Alice announced, walking up to the group.

Ariel clapped with Lily excitedly and Wendy hugged her.



The three girls jaws were now dropped because of the casting list. They were pushed by Tinkerbell so she could see. "OUT MY WAY! ...I GOT MRS. CLAUS!?!? THIS HAS TO BE A MISTAKE! WHO WOULD DO BETTER THAN M-.....WENDY!?!??!?"

Wendy stood there, mouth agape. "OH MY GOSH! WHO IS JACK IF SHE'S SAL-....PETER!?!?!??!?!?!?" Tink's face was red with angry and and tinted green with jealousy and envy. She screeched Peter's name out. She turned to Ms. Fawn's room, but it was locked. "UGH!"

"Looks like you're the Sally to my Jack, Darling," Peter whispered in her ear from behind. She spins around to a smug Peter with an appalled face. "You audition?!" He nodded. "And now it looks like we have to kiss at the end. Ms. Fawn made some changes, I guess."

Ariel, Lily, and Alice who arrived after the Tink tantrum, were giggling in the corner of the hall way. Just like what their roles they would be. The Boogie's Girls.

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