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UUUUUUGH, MONDAAYY! At least I made a new...friend, I guess? Mom was ecstatic, I'm a loner so this thing called friendship is very new.  Oh,  and the thing is...Hercules said that he had MORE friends to introduce me to....all three are girls. GIRLS! Oh god, I hope they're not super girly. 

I dragged my body to my bathroom to do the hygienic things. I walked out of the bathroom, walked to my closet, mid-way stopping to pet my dog ("Mornin' M") then continued into the closet. 

"JAME PLEADIS HAWKINS, YOU BETTER BE UP!!!" My mom screamed. Ugh to early for screaming. "I am, mom!" 


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I've been a transfer student for a month and a half now, from Treasure Island High school in Treasure Island. My dad left me and my mom before we moved here. I hate him. He broke my mom's heart and it's been taking a toll on us. I cut off my rat tail thing because he's the one that gave my it. To many stupid memories. 

"Bye, mom, Morph! I'm leaving!" I headed to the door. "BYE, HONEY!'' 

As I was walking, I felt people from behind me walking. I glanced and saw two kids about my age, girl and a guy. He was basically harassing her but she was hiding a smile? Or is that a smirk...? Oh god wait, that's Pan. The girl, I don't know, but the guy...Peter f'n Pan. Hate the dude, no respect for females. I rolled my eyes and turned back to the side walk and with a faster pace. 

Once I got onto the school grounds, Hercules waved me over. "HEY, HAWKINS!" Sigh... I walked over to him and three girls. Hercules looked behind me and waved. "WENDYYYY, WHUZZ UUUUUH!" Right when he said Wendy, the girls swung their heads around excitedly with huge, no- GIGANTIC smiles. Curious and confused on how one person can make people so happy, I turn around. was the girl from the walk. She quickly smiled when she saw them and hurriedly ran over, away from Peter.




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