Chapter 17: Library time

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I ran. I ran like I was back in the ghetto. Like my life depends on it. Which it kinda does.

"Wendy! Come on! Stop running!" Peter yelled to the running Wendy, almost exhausted. She turned the corner and pressed her self against the wall, slightly panting. After a couple seconds, the footsteps softened and disappeared. She slowly look around the corner only to have her nose to nose with a smug Peter.

"Ah! Peter! Why?" She pushed him away. He cackled in amusement. "Because, Darling. It's fun!" She crosses her arms. "Well I think it's annoyingly, stup-" and she ran. Again. Peter groaned and started chasing. Again!

Wendy bumped into Jim. "Oh Jim! I'm so sorry-"

"Wendy! Stop running so fast all the time! I can't keep up!"

She froze and Jim looked at her. "Peter?" She nods. "Wanna hide behind me?" She nodded again, grateful. She hides behind him right before Peter comes into view. "Jim! Do *huff* do ya know where *huff* D-Darling is?"

Jim being like a big brother responded, "Wendy? Nope! Just head to the school, I think I saw running that direction." Peter took off running again and Jim turned. "Bad boy is gone, Wendy. You can walk in peace now!" She sighed in relief. "Thank you, Jim!" she hugged him. He just awkwardly patted her back. "Off to Neverland!"

They walked up to their friend group, keeping an eye out for Peter on the way. "Good morning, my peoples!" The girls turned to them and hugged Wendy, and high-fived Jim, whiled Hercules said "What sup, you two!"

After the hugs and such, "Hey, Wendy, Pan's lookin' for you!" Lily giggles out and Wendy gave her a warning look. Alice smiles back a laugh while Ariel laughed under her breath. Hercules and Jim looked confused and lost about the situation. The bell rang, saving Wendy from further embarrassment.

After getting her things into and out of her locker, she went to her home room with Alice and sat down with her. Peter walked in and Wendy hurriedly opened her book. Alice chuckles and Wendy elbowed her under the table. Peter sat down and opened his book. He looked at Wendy and he smirked while shaking his head. She just continued reading for another two minutes until she froze from the touch of the slight touch of Peter's thigh against hers.

She act composed on the out side but was a flustered mess on the inside. Same with Peter but he was better of hiding it. He just smirked and turned the page. The feeling of that little amount of heat was nice. Almost addictive for Peter! Maybe he could...yeah, he could do that! He casually placed a hand by his lap and waited a couple seconds to trail his fingers to her lower thigh and press his hand on it. That is when she utterly and completely turned to hot ice. She slapped his hand, then scooted more towards Alice, who was oblivious to what happened and he silently laughed. 

He was actually amused by it! He liked it when she was nervous or furiously blushing or screwing around! It was adorable! To him it was actually very attractive, especially when she bit her lip in embarrassment! 

After "daydreaming" more than actual reading, he pulled out his almost complete math homework and started the last question. Wendy started her ELA reading package. Until...

"CLASS! I got an e-mail from Ms. Belle, our librarian so we're going to the library early!" Wendy smiled brightly and perked up in her seat. Alice and her made eye contact and smiled to each other. Peter watch Wendy with a soft smile, admiring Wendy's own smile. "Line up, please!" Every one got up from their chairs and lined up in front of the door. Ariel, Alice, Wendy, and Peter stood in the back, in that order. Peter kept bumping into Wendy on their way and Wendy scowled him under her breathe, but he, of course, heard her. At the corner, they stopped to let another class go, and he took the opportunity. He leaned against her back and whispered in her left ear.  "Now that wasn't very nice to say, was it?" She tried not to shiver and ignored the feeling down her spine. 

When they got to the library, Wendy looked around and picked out Hatchet by Gary Paulsen. She checked it out, already in the system, and sat down on an empty mini couch in the corner. Peter saw her with his own book Woods Runners, also by Gary Paulsen and smirked a little. He came from behind and hopped onto the couch, which startled Wendy, causing her to jump. He grinned. "Startled much, Darling?" Peter asked in a hushed voice. She slapped his chest lightly and he held back a small laugh. "So, what 'cha reading?" He asked. Annoyed, she answered, "Hatchet, Gary Paulsen, if you most know." He nodded as he looked at the first chapter page. "You like Gary Paulsen, huh?" She nodded, reading the second page of the chapter. "Me, too, Darling." She looked at with an intrigued  "really?" look.

The whole time, they whispered about what book in the Hatchet was the best. "The first one!" He shook his head and waved a finger. "It's the second one, Darling." She batted her lashes and added a sarcastic statement. "Oh, I just LOVE it when you call me "Darhling", Peter."

"And I love it when you call me "Peetah", Darling." He winked.

She rolled her eyes and continued reading.

He stared at her a second longer than he should, because she noticed. "What?" Heat crept into his lower stomach, turning his inside into jelly. The little smile she's making with her head tilted downward but eyes up on him. It was almost too much for him. Almost. "Oh, nothing, just that we're actually being friends for once and you're not at my throat." He whispered. She slightly laughed and sighed with a smile. "Yeah, I guess so.." Peter's breath hitched in his throat. 

Goodness, she's beautiful.

She sat up more and observed that her and Peter were now nose to nose, eye to eyes. They wanted to look away, but couldn't. Next thing is that, absent mindedly, they're leaning in, look from the others eyes to lip. Eyes almost closed and lips centimeters apart, everything disappears. Everything, but them. It's short and sweet. Like "about seven seconds in one place" short. They pull away, eyes flickering open. But before they can even say a peep, "Everyone line up! We're going back to class!" They look away from each other and Wendy stands up. "Well...we-we should uh, get back to" She awkwardly walks away and Peter rises from the mini couch. 

Stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupi-

That continues on until they get to class and restart work. 

The rest of the day was awkward. For the two of them of course. When Wendy told the girls at lunch while Jim and Hercules were still in line, they could barely contain their excitement. Same thing with Peter and his Lost Boys, except they were more guyish about it. *Cue the eye roll*

Wendy avoided Peter after school like she always did, but was still caught, like she always was. 

"Darling, why do you run?"

She yelped at the voice from out of no-where. She turned around to Peter leaning against the corner of the wall. "Wh-what do you mean?" He smiled smally. "Oh, you know what I mean." Her throat slightly tightened. "I mean, you do always tease me, all times of the day. And after school, I have to focus on homework and ectara. And not much friends tease to that huge of an extent. Not even Lily. So...yeah." He nodded and pushed of the wall. "Okay."

That's it? "Okay"? 

She was just a bit suspicious. He walked closer to her, invading a little bit of her personal space. 

Ah, there it is.

"Darling, look, I..."

He couldn't say. He wants to. He does, but this early? He's never done this before! Besides, with the relationship they have now? No way, bad idea!

"I...never mind."

She nodded, brows furrowed. "Wanna walk, friend?"

He smiled. "Yeah, why not, Darling?"

They talked about books, life, school, etc...and then, "Have you ever had a boyfriend, Darling?"

She cleared her throat. "Wh-what?"

He smirked. "You heard me."

She sighs. "...Nope!" 

He laughs at the way she answers. They get to their own doors and wave. "Bye, Darling. 'Till tomorrow!" She chuckled as she heard this while closing her door.

Mean while, Peter smiled like a fool in his room. 


That is this chappy!

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