Chapter 3

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"J-Jaden..." Alexis whispered. "Is that really you?" She asked, trying to see if this was a dream.

Jaden chuckled, "Yep, I'm right here!"

Alexis smiled, she wasn't sure if she should hug him, if that would make it awkward or high five him or what. She stared at Jaden, he looked as if he changed the last time she saw him. He grew taller, his features were more defined and masculine looking. She could even see some abs through his shirt; he looked absolutely handsome to her but Jaden didn't think of himself as much in the looks department. Although he still wore that Slifer Red uniform, so it's plain to see that he hasn't completely changed.

"It's so good to see you again... so how's life?" she asked, trying to make conversation.

"Ah... well..."

This time Jaden felt himself getting lost by the view. He checked out how beautiful she was... her clear skin, her long golden blonde locks, her lovely hazel eyes that he could easily fall in love with, her pink taunting lips. Jaden felt a slight sensation when he looked at her, something that he never felt before. It confused him because he knew her at Duel Academy and he's never thought of her like the way he did now.

'Wow... Alexis... she looks really cute... no pretty... no beautiful! Wait, what am I doing? This is one of my best friends I'm thinking about!' Jaden thought as he subtly checked out her long, creamy legs and her short skirt.

"Hello? Earth to Jaden!" Alexis called out, Jaden snapped out of his thoughts immediately.

"I-I uh... sorry, what was the question again?" Jaden asked, mentally slapping himself for being distracted.

Alexis couldn't help but giggle, he sounded like he was in class and the teacher called on him while he wasn't paying attention. "I asked you how life is." she replied.

Jaden sighed in relief, he didn't want Alexis thinking that he was a pervert... despite starting to have... different thoughts about her. "Oh! Life's great I mean, I got to travel some countries after leaving Duel Academy."

"Really? To where?" she asked.

"You know places like France, Italy, Spain, etc. I got to take a train since they're near each other." Jaden explained.

Alexis smiled. "Wow... I'm impressed, did you like it?"

Jaden felt a slight blush on his cheeks as he heard the compliment. "Y-Yeah, my parents gave me this huge bonus so I got to travel on that." he said, as a sweatdrop fell from his cheek. "So uh... enough about me, what have you been up to, Lex?"

"Well I was in Domino City staying with my grandmother for a while, but now I'm going home. What about you?" Alexis asked. "Where are you going?"

Jaden chuckled. "I'm going home myself. My house isn't far from here, but I like train rides. Besides, they give you free food on this one."

Alexis giggled. "You and your appetite..." Suddenly the blonde looked sadly, turning away from him. Jaden wondered what was wrong with her, all of a sudden she looked... bothered.

"Alexis... you okay?" Jaden asked.

Alexis stayed silent but then decided to speak up, she knew she could trust Jaden, the guy has done so much for her. Suddenly she had a plan, and she would have to use Jaden to play a huge part in this. "Well... Jaden... how badly do you need to get home?"

Jaden shrugged. "It's no hurry, my dad is usually busy anyway."

Alexis nodded. "Listen... I need you to do me a big favor..."

"A favor...? Sure, what's up?" he asked.

"I need you to come home with me and pretend that you're my fi-... uhh... pretend that you're engaged to me." Alexis replied.

"You mean... like I'm your fiance?" he asked. Alexis's eyes widened, did he just define what a fiance was? She thought he didn't know what a fiance was after that duel with Harrington.

"Jaden... I thought you didn't..."

"Didn't what?" he asked.

"Didn't know what a... fiance was." Alexis completed.

Jaden chuckled slightly. "Well... let me explain something, Lex..."

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