Chapter 50

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"Alexis, what are you saying?!" Mr. Rhodes exclaimed.

"I said exactly what I mean, dad." Alexis replied, approaching her father. "Me and Jaden aren't engaged."

"W-What... but... how could this be?!" her father asked. "Why would you do this to me, Alexis Rhodes?! What were you trying to prove?!"

"Because I'm tired of you setting me up with guys when you know perfectly well that I'm not looking for a relationship!" Alexis snapped. "You can't rush love, dad and you even know it."

Mr. Rhodes growled. "So what's the meaning of... him?" he asked, pointing to Jaden.

Alexis sighed. "Because... my chances of me going to college were on the line." she replied. "I remember you saying if I agreed to your terms of getting a fiancé, that you would guarantee a payment of four years of college." she explained. "And... I saw Jaden in Domino. I asked him to pretend to be my fiancé and he agreed."

Mr. Rhodes only glared at his daughter. "Did your mom or brother know about this?"

"Only Atti, mom still doesn't know." Alexis replied. "And it would probably disappoint her if she found out." she replied before turning to Jaden. "As for you... I'm sorry for all the things I put you through."

Jaden gave his trademark smile. "Hey, I actually had a great time!" he replied, making her surprised. "I got to meet your folks, live near the beach, and even got closer to you. Why would you feel sorry?"

Alexis blushed and Jaden turned to his parents. "As for you two, I'm sorry for worrying you both."

Seto gave a smirk. "The only person who was worried was your mother." he replied.

Serenity returned the playful smirk, which was something she picked up from living with her husband. "You just do a better job of hiding your worries." she replied before turning to Jaden. "Anyways, I'm just glad you're okay, Jaden."

Alexis faced her father. "And I apologize to you as well for deceiving you." she replied. "But I hope it helped opened your eyes on my thoughts to this situation and you trying to control my love life." she added.

Mr. Rhodes looked at Jaden and walked towards him. Jaden glared at the father, still not fond of him and the way he's been acting. The father placed his hands on his shoulders which made Jaden confused... he figured Mr. Rhodes would punch him or something.

"So... you're not engaged to my daughter..." Mr. Rhodes whispered.

"No, sir." Jaden replied, removing the older man's hands. "Alexis to me is someone beautiful, not only outside but inside as well. She's also one of the coolest people I've ever met and I'm grateful to have met her at Duel Academy and got a chance to Duel her during my first week at the Academy." he admitted truthfully.

Alexis gave a warm smile before the two gave each other a high five, however they blushed and looked away from each other after finding themselves staring into each other's eyes.

"So uh... yeah, now you know the whole story." Jaden replied. "I do hope you can put this aside... and help your daughter with her dreams into getting into college."

Mr. Rhodes just blankly stared. "But... you can still marry her." he whispered.

"What?" both Jaden and Alexis said in unison.

"You being the son of Kaiba and an heir..." Mr. Rhodes muttered. "This changes everything, you can take care of my daughter! You can give her the life she-"

"That's ENOUGH out of you!" Jaden interrupted immediately. Serenity wanted to say something but Seto placed a hand on her shoulder, shaking his head to allow him to finish. "You have no interest in making your daughter happy, now that you know my identity... you now want me to marry Alexis. Haven't you learn anything, Mr. Rhodes? This is actually why I never told anyone... not even those at Duel Academy know about who I am... because this is what I was afraid of. Ah, I guess your daughter was right... it's all about business to you."

"What are you saying?!" Mr. Rhodes asked as his left eye twitched.

"I'm saying you need to open your eyes... before everything dear to you disappears." said Jaden. The brunette turned to Alexis and held out a hand which made her blush slightly. "Let's get out of here." he said with a smile.

Alexis nodded and took his hand before the two left, walking outside leaving Mr. Rhodes in shock. Atticus approached his old man, crossing his arms. "I saw the whole thing."

"What do you want?" Mr. Rhodes asked. "I can't believe you knew this whole time."

Atticus shook his head. "I had my reasons." he said with a smile. The attempt to get Jaden and Alexis closer to one another was accomplished, hoping that they would make something of themselves together in the future. "Heh... I was kinda like you, dad... playing matchmaker and such back in Duel Academy... but there's a difference between you and I." the older brother replied with a serious expression.

Mr. Rhodes arched an eyebrow. "And what's that?"

"I only want Alexis to be happy... genuinely happy..." Atticus replied before heading to the table, to explain his mother everything.

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