Chapter 31

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"You really want me to go out on a date with your daughter huh...?" a man asked over the phone.

"Why yes, your company is one of the most popular and respected companies... and you... you're going to be inheriting it, is that correct?" Mr. Rhodes asked, leaning back on his office chair.

The man chuckled, he sounded like a younger guy. He was maybe in his twenties or something. "Of course I will, who else would be good enough to inherit the family company? So who is your daughter and more importantly, what does she look like...?"

"Her name is Alexis Rhodes, former top female duelist of Duel Academy. You went to Duel Academy right? Surely you've heard of her?" Mr. Rhodes replied. "...Hello?"

"Sorry, I dropped my phone." The young man said. "But you said Alexis Rhodes right? Yeah I've heard of her... by that I mean I've meant her, by that I mean-"

"Yes, I'm aware you've dueled for the chance to become my daughter's fiancé..." Mr. Rhodes replied. "But... you were beaten by this Jaden Yuki? A kid of middle class?"

The young man growled softly, truth be told he was beaten by Jaden which still angered him whenever he was reminded of it. "Yeah I know, but no way is he gonna steal her again!" he said.

'Since Alexis is single... I'll get a chance to make my move...' The young man thought.

"Prove yourself." Mr. Rhodes replied. "You would make a fine son-in-law. I will set up a date for you and Alexis."

"How do you suppose she'll come?" The young man asked.

"Just leave that to me..." Mr. Rhodes replied before hanging up.

'Alexis... you will change your mind... once you meet the person I set you up with...' The father thought as he started typing a letter.

Meanwhile, Jaden and Alexis were in the dining room alone, eating breakfast that Mrs. Rhodes prepared. The meal consisted of toast, eggs, bacon and fruit all freshly prepared for consumption.

"Mm... so nice of your mom to make us breakfast!" Jaden praised.

Alexis sipped her orange juice. "Mhm..." she replied. "By the way, Jaden... do you workout?"

Jaden blushed lightly. "T-That's a random question."

Alexis turned away, blushing. "I'm just wondering!" She protested in frustration.

Jaden chuckled at her pout, it was pretty cute and a side of her he rarely sees. "Well... I did a lot of running after graduation so you could say that." he replied. "Why do you ask?"

Alexis looked back at him, blushing even more. "W-well... it's because... y-"

"Alexis! Darling! Look what I found!" Mrs. Rhodes called, running towards her daughter.

"What? What's wrong, mother?" Alexis asked worriedly.

"I found this letter address to you! It's from Duel Academy!" Mrs. Rhodes cheered, handing her daughter the envelop.

"I thought the mail didn't come until later." Alexis replied.

"I just found this on the stand next to the couch." Mrs. Rhodes replied. "Maybe we missed that one from yesterday?"

"Well whatever it is... I don't remember seeing it yesterday..." Alexis replied. The blonde looked at it quite suspiciously until Mrs. Rhodes interrupted her thoughts.

"I'm pretty curious to see so just open it!" Mrs. Rhodes cheered.

"I'm with your mom on this one!" Jaden agreed. Alexis paused in the moment, but then gave a small smile, deciding her answer.

"Alright, you two convinced me." She replied, truth be told, she was curious too. Alexis opened the envelope and read the letter. After reading the thing word by word, Alexis dropped the letter while frozen in her tracks.

"What's wrong, Alexis?!" Jaden asked, concerned for her.

"Is something the matter, dear?" Mrs. Rhodes asked.

"Duel Academy... wants me to have a lunch interview with the board of directors..." Alexis replied, shocked.

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