Chapter 9

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Jaden decided to ignore the voice from Yubel and went downstairs to join Mrs. Rhodes and her children for the feast she prepared for him. Jaden's eyes widened as he entered the dining room, the large table with a white table cloth covering it was filled with different assortment of foods that he could imagine. A blush filled Alexis was also sitting at the table with Atticus and their mother, thinking about the kiss that just occurred.

'Whoa... chicken... mashed potatoes... fried shrimp! And so much more!' Jaden thought, eyeing the food hungrily.

"Jaden, were you escorted to a guest room?" Mrs. Rhodes asked.

"Y-Yeah, it's really sweet!" Jaden replied, practically drooling over the food on the table that looked well prepared. "You got a nice place."

"Why thank you, now why don't you sit next to Alexis so we could get started, dear." the mother suggested. Jaden obeyed and sat next to his 'fiancee'. The two looked at each other with blushes on their faces.

Atticus noticed the couple and chuckled. "Hey, what are you two blushing so much about?" he asked.

"Nothing!" they replied in unison, maybe a bit too quickly.

Mrs. Rhodes giggled. "Now remember, you two... make sure there's no going further than a smooch." she warned with a wink. Alexis and Jaden blushed even more while Atticus laughed at their reaction.

"M-Mother, let's just enjoy dinner. I'm sure Jaden is feeling hungry. Right Jaden?" Alexis asked, Jaden sat there in silence while blushing deeper, but snapped out of his thoughts when Alexis nudged him.

"O-Oh yeah! Let's eat!" he replied confidently. Jaden, being the one who loved food the most and was the guest, helped himself to dinner first while everyone followed behind. Jaden enjoyed the dinner that Mrs. Rhodes prepared as he ate faster than anyone, especially the fried shrimp. Mrs. Rhodes was surprised that a guy like him had such a huge appetite while Alexis and Atticus saw it as normal for him. However Mrs. Rhodes took this as a compliment to her cooking.

"I see you're enjoying yourself over there." Mrs. Rhodes commented with her cheery smile. "I've never seen anyone this happy with my cooking!"

Jaden nodded while he continued to eat. "Mhm, it's good! You did amazing, Mrs. Rhodes!" he replied with his mouth full.

"Oh wonderful! Alexis here told me that you loved fried shrimp, so I just had to make it!" Mrs. Rhodes said. Jaden looked at his fiancé and chuckled.

"You did?" he asked with a smile.

Alexis blushed slightly and nodded. "Mhm... you did save my brother after all." she replied. Jaden felt kinda touched that Alexis was the one who suggested it.

'Maybe this fiancé plan isn't so bad after all...' he thought.

"So Jaden, dear. When will we be able to meet your parents?" Mrs. Rhodes asked.

A shrimp tail nearly fell out of his mouth and his eyes widened from the question. 'Dammit... spoke too soon...' Jaden thought.

"Yeah come to think of it, I don't think you've ever mentioned your parents." Atticus commented.

Alexis gulped a bit, knowing Jaden was on his own on this one. "Well... I mean... my dad is always busy. He works in the gaming business." he replied, which was kinda truthful. Jaden's father was an awfully busy man who worked constantly to provide for the family. "And my mom... uhh... well... she... uh... died!"

Mrs. Rhodes opened her mouth, placing her hands on her chest. "Oh dear, I'm sorry..."

"Bummer..." Atticus muttured.

"Poor Jaden..." Alexis thought, placing a hand on his shoulder.

Jaden chuckled, "I'm just kidding, she's still alive... hehehe... she's probably at home, buuut I'm sure you'll get to meet her!" he replied. Atticus and Mrs. Rhodes chuckled nervously while Alexis growled to herself annoyed at what he just did.

'Very smooth, Jaden...' Alexis thought sarcastically. Jaden laughed and scratched the back of his head nervously.

'Dammit... I panicked.' Jaden cursed in his mind.

Mrs. Rhodes smiled. "Well Jaden, I sure hope I get to me-"

Suddenly the family heard the door opened. "What's that smell? Is that dinner?" a rather deep, masculine voice asked. A nervous Alexis dropped her fork accidentally, knowing who that voice belonged to.

"Yes dear, we're in the dining room!" Mrs. Rhodes called out.

A sharply dressed man walked into the dining room with a scowl on his face. The man was tall, well built with huge broad shoulders, but his face looked like a mix between a gorilla and a yakuza leader. His blonde hair was slicked back and and he had hazel colored eyes that looked cold and piercing to the eye. He was an older gentlemen as his wrinkles showed. He also wore glasses.

"Who's that, Lex?" Jaden whispered.

"Jaden... that's my father..."

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