Chapter 53

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Mr. Rhodes turned away from his daughter, facing the wall that was in front of him.

"I advise you to send it to the University of your choice immediately." Mr. Rhodes instructed.

Alexis felt like tearing up at this point, holding her whole ticket to college experience in her hands. "Wait... are you still going to-"

"I don't give a damn about the marriage thing anymore!" Mr. Rhodes interrupted. "Go, do what you need to do!"

Alexis felt a tear slide across her cheek slowly. It was a miracle that her father changed his mind completely about his plans. It was now him trying to make her happy... to think about her happiness.

The blonde woman wanted to give him a hug, but decided to give her father a polite bow instead. "Thank you... I'll give it my absolute best..." She promised.

Mr. Rhodes cracked a proud smirk, still not facing his daughter. "I know you will... you always do."

'To think... that I wanted her to have a better life... yet I put her through hell...' Mr. Rhodes said regretfully in his mind.

Alexis felt her smile growing wider, she just had to tell Jaden immediately. She figured he would be in bed right now but Alexis was sure he wouldn't mind.

The blonde ran upstairs and headed to Jaden's guest room, opening the door before running inside.

"Go Neos... attack..." Jaden muttered in his sleep.

"Jaden! Wake up!" Alexis called out.

The brunette immediately bolted awake. "What?! What's wrong, Lex?! Is Nightshroud back?!" He asked, checking her face to see if she was okay.

"No... I actually got a check from dad for a four year tuition to a university in America!" Alexis declared, handing Jaden the cheek. His eyes widened like saucers, at the large amount written on the check.

"Wow... congrats, Lex... all the way in America too..." Jaden whispered, before he high fived her.

Alexis wiped her tears of joy as she stared at the check. "Thank you..."

"So... are you planning on going when fall hits?" Jaden asked.

Alexis nodded. "Mhm... I wanna head there as soon as I can after summer vacation." she replied. "Thank you so much..." she added, wiping her tears.

The brunette gave her a smile before looking out the window to watch the night sky with her. "For what? I didn't do anything, you're the one who deserves it." He admitted, removing a strand of hair from her face. "Besides... your old man would be crazy not to send such an amazing person like you to college."

Alexis felt a blush coming. There goes Jaden pouring out the compliments which made butterflies in her stomach.

"So... what about you? What will you be doing?" Alexis asked.

Jaden gave it a thought before answering his friend. "Well... I actually plan on traveling the world more..." he replied. "I wanna continue helping those with my abilities."

Alexis softly giggled. "Kinda like a superhero huh?"

"Eh... well... okay exactly like a superhero!" he exclaimed.

Alexis' smile soon turned into a frown, recalling a moment. "But... what about that blonde woman on the beach?"

"What blonde woman?" Jaden asked.

"You know... the one with the two girls? You guys were playing at the beach remember?" Alexis recalled.

"...Oh her! I'm sure I'll see my cousin again." Jaden replied.

"Your what?!"

Jaden chuckled. "Yeah, she's my cousin visiting for a vacation. Didn't I tell you?" he asked.


"Huh... oh I must've forgot cause of the... kiss where you tripped and I caught you." Jaden recalled, blushing slightly.

Alexis blushed as well, feeling like an idiot for getting jealous that Jaden was hanging out with his cousin. "Y-Yeah..." she whispered.

The duo looked at each other before they both cracked into a random laugh in unison, both recalling how funny that moment was.

...and how enjoyable it was...

Although now... Jaden wondered what would they become of? Sure he liked Alexis at this point... but he started to believe that maybe like wasn't enough to describe the feeling. That once feeling of idolization... started to turn more into deep admiration.

...and she felt the same way towards him.

"It's your chance!" Yubel hissed in his mind.

'What chance?' Jaden asked in his mind.

"You know what it is! You're just delaying the inevitable!" Replied the demon.

'...Yeah I know.' Jaden replied.

'Come on Alexis... this is honestly the perfect time... you backed out the last time and I'm not gonna make that same mistake... right?' The blonde wondered in her mind as she looked at the Slifer.

'Here it goes...' They both thought in unison.

"I have something to tell you!" They both exclaimed in unison, making the two blush deeply.

"Y-You first." Jaden suggested.

"No, you first." Alexis replied.

"No, it should be ladies first."

"Please, I insist."

"You sure?"

"I'm sure."

"Alright..." Jaden started before clearing his throat. "Alexis..."

The former Slifer felt his mouth getting dried up. What he was going to do... would possibly change their lives forever. He scooted closer to her, looking deeply into her honey, hazel eyes...

As he had Alexis' undivided attention, Jaden stuttered in his mind to figure out the right words to say.

"Alexis... I'm not good with words... but I want you to know something..."

'Is he going to say what I think he'll say...' Alexis wondered as she felt him staring into her eyes and vise versa.

"I just want you to know that... I hope you have a sweet time at whatever college you decide on and I hope you meet amazing people!" Jaden replied with a corny, goofy smile.

"Idiot..." Yubel whispered.

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