Chapter 7

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Jaden saw her frown, which made him worried for her. "Everything okay, Lex?" He asked.

"Sorry, but I need to take this, Atticus... mind showing Jaden to a guest room?" Alexis asked.

Atticus nodded. "Sure no problem, sis." He replied for leaving with Jaden. As the two went down the halls, Jaden could feel himself worried for her. He felt he needed to be with her at this very moment.

"Hey so... is Alexis angry about her dad wanting her to marry soon?" Jaden asked.

"Yep, she's really P. about it." Atticus replied.


"Pissed off."

"Ohh... well I can't blame her." Jaden commented. "So... as her brother, what do you think about it?"

"Well... of course I'm pissed off at dad..." Atticus growled with a passionate fire in his eyes. Jaden backed away slowly seeing this side of Atticus.

Soon the brother's mood turned from angered to a cheery one. "Buuuuuuut, I'm just glad she's engaged to someone I trust." Atticus cheerfully said. "So from now on, you can call me your bro."

A sweatdrop fell from Jaden's cheek. This was all going so quickly. "Hehe... alright, bro." He replied. Atticus showed Jaden to a guest room that had a beautiful ocean view. There wasn't a whole lot in the guest bedroom but it did have its own bathroom which was a relief for Jaden.

"Hmm... nice place you got!" Jaden complemented, laying on top of the bed.

"Thanks, if you need anything... just let me know." Atticus offered.

"Wait!" Jaden called out, before the older brother could leave. "Listen... this is embarrassing... but how can I... spice things up with me and Alexis?"

Atticus was shocked about that question. He couldn't believe what he just heard... Jaden wanting to spice things up with Alexis. "J-Jay, are you trying to... have better sex with my sister?"

Jaden's face turned redder than his jacket and his ears puffed out smoke. "N-No, not like that!" He protested. "I-I don't know how to word it... I mean like... impress her more since she's my... er fiancé."

Atticus sighed in relief. "Ohh... I see what you're talking about... kinda... but I'll give you a few pointers on spicing things up."

"Really? Thanks!" Jaden praised in gratitude.

Atticus leaned against the wall. "Ah perfect... you came to the right person, as the master of love, my duty is to make sure I don't disappoint in the love department."

"Alright, so shoot me some advice." Jaden said, wanting him to get to the point.

"Well Jay, women like assertiveness in a guy, they like when the guy makes her feel good and sexy, they want romance, and mature women like my sis... admires when a man knows what he wants and goes for it." Atticus explained, holding a proud thumbs up.

Jaden nodded at what he said. 'I hope I don't forget any of this...' He wondered.

The former Slifer student nodded. "Ah... assertiveness and romance. Thanks Att- er bro." He praised.

"No problem." Atticus replied. "Now... I have a question about earlier."

"What's up?" Jaden asked.

"Are you and sis having sex?" Atticus asked, suddenly giving an icy cold glare.

"N-No! I'm honest!" Jaden protested. "I've never even been in bed with her!" Atticus chuckled. As much as Atticus wanted Alexis to be in love, he didn't want her making any big decisions too soon.

"Well that's good." He said. "See ya at the feast, Jay!" Atticus replied before leaving.

Jaden sighed in relief, he made a mental note not to screw with Atticus. That guy went from endearing brother to a protective brother. He laid down and relaxed on his new bed, looking up at the ceiling. He tried to figure out on how he's gonna keep this fiancé bit going... and what would happen if her family found out that this was all an act. He believed that he was a terrible liar, but hey at least Mrs. Rhodes and Atticus were convinced.

"You really got yourself in something... didn't you?" A voice called in Jaden's head.

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