Chapter 13

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"Please... don't run away, let me eat you, little shrimp." Jaden whispered in his sleep. Jaden Yuki was in the middle of a dream. He dreamt of fried shrimp running away from his plate while he was chasing after them in a dark room. The room itself had no walls, it was just an empty space of darkness.

Soon the shrimp disappeared into the darkness and Jaden stop chasing his food. Suddenly a bright light appeared in the middle of the room, which showed a woman's figure glowing in the light.

Jaden paused, admiring the girl in front of him. Her long blonde hair, her clear skin, her bright eyes, and her very curvy figure in some sort of a sleeveless wedding dress with a long, sequence veil. He recognized her face, the face that belonged to none other than Alexis Rhodes.

"Alexis...?" Jaden called, eyes widened at the beautiful creature standing in front of him. The blonde floated over to the young man, she slowly leaned in... planting a soft, kiss on his lips with her soft, pink ones.

That was when Jaden quickly woke up from his slumber, huffing and puffing softly. "It was all a dream..." He whispered, surprised that he even dreamt about his friend like that. Jaden looked at the clock to check the time.

"7:00..." He muttered, usually Jaden would never get up this early, but he felt hungry and needed something to snack on.

"Wonder if Mrs. Rhodes has any leftover shrimp..." He wondered, Jaden put on his black shirt before heading downstairs to the kitchen. To his surprise, he saw Alexis already in the kitchen drinking some water, however he wasn't expecting the outfit she wore.

Jaden froze at the outfit Alexis was in, she wore a baby blue sports bra to hold her quite large chest with black and white leggings that showed off her shapely thighs and firm butt. He also could see her toned stomach. Her hair was also in a high ponytail, which looked cute on her according to Jaden. She looked as if she was working out.

A red, intense blush appeared on Jaden's face as he caught himself staring at her plump butt. "G-Good morning, L-Lex..." He greeted nervously, trying to keep his cool.

"Hm?" Alexis turned around and smiled. "Oh, good morning, Jaden. What are you doing up so early?" She asked.

"Uhhh... well, I was kinda hungry." Jaden replied sheepishly.

Alexis raised an eyebrow, Jaden wasn't the type the get up early. "Hm... I see. Well, would you like anything in particular?" She asked.

"Well... I was hoping there was any fried shrimp left." Jaden replied.

Alexis giggled. "In fact, there is... mom made extras. Want me to heat up a plate for you?" She asked.

"Er, I got it. But anyways, what are you doing up?" Jaden asked, opening the fridge.

"I was just working out." Alexis replied, "I like to start my day with a jog."

"Really? I didn't know that." Jaden said as he heated up the fried shrimp in the microwave.

"That's because you always sleep in, silly." Alexis joked, even though she was spot on.

"Morning, you two!" Atticus greeted dramatically as he walked into the kitchen.

"Sup, Atticus." Jaden greeted while Alexis took a deep breath, knowing what would happen.

"Nothing much... just me and my sissy going to do a modeling shoot!" Atticus replied excited, placing an arm around Alexis' shoulders. Alexis growled to herself, annoyed that she agreed to this, but what choice did she have?

The former Slifer blinked. "A... modeling shoot?" Jaden asked.

"Yep, me and sissy are gonna be modeling at my job. Aren't we, sis?" Atticus asked playfully. Alexis only rolled her eyes and crossed her arms.

"I'm gonna take a shower." Alexis said before heading upstairs.

"You know, Jay, you should come along too." Atticus suggested. "Beats sitting here all day."

Jaden gave a small shrug. "Hm... sure, guess I could come." He replied, besides he also didn't wanna be at home with their father.

"Great! We're gonna leave at 10:30! See ya soon, J-Dawg." Atticus announced before leaving Jaden back to this fried shrimp for breakfast.

Hours later, Atticus was in a blue sports car along with Jaden waiting for Alexis.

"What's taking the girl so long...?" Atticus asked himself.

"She could be nervous." Jaden replied.

"My sissy nervous?" Atticus asked.

Jaden shrugged and leaned back in his seat. "I mean... has she ever modeled before? Could be stage fright... or modeling fright or whatever." He informed. Atticus was surprised that Jaden came up with that, in fact it was wise and insightful. He seemed to have insights of people's feelings.

"Huh... you could be right. I should check on-oh, here she comes!"

Alexis walked out of the house and into the car looking quite tense. However she was still beautiful, wearing a green tank top, a short jean skirt and sandals. Since they lived near the beach it was normal to show more skin than what people usually showed in Domino City.

"Hey Lex, everything alright?" Atticus asked.

"Oh yeah, just peachy." Alexis dryly replied, annoyed about having to do this modeling shoot.

Alexis got in the back seat before Jaden decided to get in the back seat to sit next to her. It was part of the plan to convince their love in front of Atticus, but a part of Jaden felt like he wanted to be near her at this point. She did look quite annoyed, but rather at the situation.

Atticus drove off while Alexis stared out the car window. Jaden placed a hand on his 'fiancé's' hand to comfort her and get Atticus to be more convinced.

"Everything okay?" Jaden asked.

Alexis turned to him, giving a small smile. "I just wanna get this over with." She replied, which made Jaden chuckle a little. He rubbed her hand slightly, to ease the nerves she had. Alexis smiled and relaxed more, which Atticus saw from his driver's seat.

"Awww, well you two look adorable." Atticus gushed, making Jaden and Alexis blush. Jaden pulled his hand away from her and Atticus just chuckled.

"By the way, Jaden... I know all about your little plan..." Atticus added with a somewhat devious smirk.

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