The Unexpected

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Bellamy takes a leisurely walk to the river once outside the camp. The ground was perfectly silent  and peaceful. Bellamy's laugh had died down at Jasper and Monty's argument, mentioning the boar was bound to make that happen by the time he left the camp. The silence over takes him as he listen to the Earth. Nothing  could have described it other than true peace. 

He pulls his shirt over his shoulders, along with pulling down his pants, before jumping into the river. The water was cool against his skin, much like the breeze in the air- a contrast between the warm sun starting to rise more. The wind carries the leaves through the trees and forest floor- this was real peace. He smirks remembering the grounder - Clarke- and every time he thinks about her, the fact he know knows her name, he can't help but chuckle.

She has one hell of a story, but Bellamy can't puzzle it all together. She was different,intriguing, all all together a mystery. The more he learned the less he felt he knew.

Most grounders had groups to live with, clans and villages, but she didn't. Almost all of them had red blood, not black. And not all of them seemed to be on the run as if their lives depended on it. None dressed the way she dis, her clothing more casual than camouflaged. All her supplies seemed to be carried in a backpack rather than securing everything in layers of clothing.

And she was fast. Really fast. Sure most grounders climbed trees pretty well, and could outrun all of skaikru, but Clarke was different. Sh moved as fast as a bullet on the ground and climbed almost like a monkey. It was second nature to her, like she never ha to think about what she's doing, she just does it. To Bellamy that is amazing, and completely captivating.

As Bellamy submerges and rises again, lost in his swirling thoughts, a branch snaps from behind him, grabbing his attention. He looks at his surroundings but finds no one there, not even an animal. And yet he could have swore he heard hushed voices.


He walks out of the water and puts on his clothes with caution, keeping his eyes trained on the trees surrounding him. He looks above and below, along the bank of the river and the bushes and trees, but he doesn't see a thing. Maybe it was just his imagination. Maybe..

Bellamy tosses his jacket over his arms before proceeding to walk in the woods, keeping an eye out on his surroundings. He doesn't hear any more voices or sounds, but it doesn't stop the feeling that he isn't alone. The more he walks the stranger it gets. The trail and trees seem familiar to him, but not in a way it should. Its not as if he took this route often, or even at all.

The more he walked the more he realized why it seemed familiar, the cabin coming into view. He had been here before after all. Sure it was only once, but Bellamy had a good memory of mapping out terrain. As he steps closer he doesn't see anyone around. Maybe the grounder and the kid took off. Bellamy opens the cabin door and steps inside, freezing as a scream from across the room.

Clarke comes barreling into the door surprising Bellamy and the child.

"Madi! What's wron-" She stops mid sentence as she stops by the door, seeing exactly what the problem was. "You've got to be kidding me." He smiles a little at this but stops when he sees her glare. "What the hell are you doing here?" Bellamy puts up his hands, a clear sign or surrender.

"I'm not here to hurt you, okay? I just wanna talk." Clarke rolls her eyes and glances beside he before looking back at him. His eyes follow her gaze before slumping his shoulders. Not again...

A rock hits the side of his head knocking him out cold. When he wakes up again its nearly sun down and he's tied up to a tree facing the cabin. Bellamy pulls at the restraint but it was no use. The knots on the rope were expertly done, there was no way he could wiggle free without cutting of circulation, maybe even cutting an artery.

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