Change in Wind

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Bellamy returns to camp as the sun barley sets behind the trees. He's grown use to weaving in between the bushes and trees themselves without much detection, even sneaking in and out of camp without being seen, but this time he didn't want to do that. Not with the promise he made to Monty. Bellamy pushes aside the recent memories of being with the two grounders as he walks inside his camps gate and is greeted by his co leader and friend. Miller smirks at the prized boar Bellamy had with him, and smirks.

"That for Monty?" Bellamy laughs while  dragging the boar behind him. 

"A promise is a promise. Where is he anyway?" 

"Working on rations now." Bellamy nods and brings boar to meat station to be cut up and cooked before finding Monty and telling him the news. When he does, Monty splits into a wide grin while Jasper is hell-a shocked. 

"You seriously did it? What the hell!? No fair!" Monty laughs before taking off, and Jasper follows him. "No way, Monty! I'm getting some of that!" They play fight the whole way to the meat station.

Bellamy watches and can't help the laughter that bubbles up from his chest. It was moments like this that made him grateful and enjoyed life on the ground. There was no more war, no fighting, just peace and teasing among the delinquents. This was their lives now, and even if the Ark didn't survive, at least the hundred made it to the ground in time.

As Bellamy makes his way through camp, he settle down in his tent for the night. His mind drifting off in sleep.

When he wakes the next day he goes out again for scavenging with others from camp. They split off into groups, though Bellamy goes by himself, and make their way through the woods. Each person has a bag to fill with nuts and berries and anything else they can find to store in camp for food. 

Nearly three hours into walking and filling up his bad half way, Bellamy makes a pit stop to rest and drink some water. His canteen is empty so he goes to the river close by, trying to fight the urge to go to the familiar cabin where he knew two grounders lived at. Bellamy didn't want to over step his welcome when it came to them, there was a lot he didn't understand or know and it was best to give them space. Even though he as worried out of his mind that Clarke wouldn't wake up and Madi had to fend for herself.

But, much to his luck, that worry died the instant he saw a familiar blonde spearing fish in the water. Bellamy breaks into a grin as he steps forward, breaking a branch beneath his boot. Mentally grimacing he closes his eyes and looks up wearily; she heard him. Clarke looks up, a small smile on her face, before grabbing the prize on her spear. Bellamy inhales deeply before walking forward and using the log as a bridge to cross over, setting down his bag of food. To his delighted surprise, the grounder doesn't run away.

"I hope you know that trying to help us these past few days doesn't mean I'm okay with you not leaving me alone." He stills and looks away, his expression glimpsing with a little hurt. "But thank you." Bellamy looks up at her and sees her starting to walk away, so, he follows and hurries to catch up. She sighs at this and shakes her head. "That doesn't mean to keep following me." 

"I just want to help, Clarke." She stops at her name and turns to glare at him. He smiles and tilts his head. "I overhear Madi say it."

"Right... Well its a good thing we're leaving." She storms away and he has to jog to be near her. Her storm walking is surprisingly fast. "Clarke! Princess, stop!" 

She does but not happily. 

"Would you stop calling me that. Seriously." He chuckles and shrugs, its fitting in a way but he doesn't admit it. She glares again at his smug smile and drags her net of fish with her. "Wait! Why are you leaving?" She doesn't answer. "Clarke-"

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