See you Around

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Clarke keeps Madi as comfortable as she can in the circumstances they're in. It's hard, but not impossible. Clarke just has to keep this up until sunset. When the time comes they'll leave camp and find the caves nearby for safety during the moon's peak. No one should find them there.

As day turns to night, Clarke steps into her tent to take Madi away though the secret passage way, passed the camps boarders and to the caves hidden under ground. Bellamy helps hide them away in the process, keeping campers busy to ensure no one knows where the grounders went.

When the full moon arose, the change began. Madi struggled, and it broke Clarke's heart to see her in pain. But it had to be done. She encourage her every step of the way until it was all said and done. The young grounder was no longer human...but apart of the forest itself in the shape of a wolf.

Her dark coat was lined with white, shining in the peeks of the moonlight. Clarke grinned as she too turned, Madi jumping and prancing through the rocky caves. She whimpers and nudges Clarke, biting the back of her neck to get a rouse before running away... Of Course she would be this playful, Clarke thought. She howls loudly then, chasing after the little wolf, their howls echoing through the old ruins of Earth.

Back at skaikru camp many delinquents rest in the night, very few were awake. Those on guard duty or helping those restless in medbay heard the echoes of the wild in the night. Some rise from sleep and leave their tents, listening to the sound. A handful panic before Bellamy steps in, Lincoln giving him a knowing glance. The delinquents would be safe. He was sure of it.

Most go back to their tents, curious and unsure, but they trusted their leader with their lives. What Bellamy says, goes. When the small crowd disperses Bellamy gives Lincoln a subtle nod, then heads to his own tent to sleep. After chancing one last look to the moon as he hears the two wild grounds howl. A small grin breaks though as he listens. Clarke and Madi we're safe and okay, and to Bellamy that was all that mattered.

Once everyone else was settled in for the night, Bellamy went to his own to to sleep. As s long as Clarke and Madi we're safe he had nothing to worry about.

In the morning as the sun rose behind the trees, its beams peeking through the fabric of Bellamy's tent, a poke reaches his side. At first he ignore it, thinking nothing of the strange touch, that is until it happens repetitively the next time. He looks up and sees Madi's grinning happily, the poking coming to a stop.

"Hey kid. You okay?" Madi looks to her left before looking back down at Bellamy.

"She did good for her first full moon." Bellamy looks to the voice and get ins himself, the familiar blonde coming into view.

"Yeah?" He asks and Madi's eyes light up.

"It was so cool Bell! It did hurt at first but after a little while it wore off and Clarke took me to the hidden caves! And then-" As the little grounder raves on about her new adventure with Clarke, the two adults share a knowing glance. It wasn't ideal Madi had experienced this, but in the end she was safe and unharmed.

"You're back!" Lincoln's voice rings and Madi jumps up, hugging him as he steps in the tent. She grabs his hand and tells him everything like she had with Bellamy.

Clarke and Bellamy barley contain laughter as they hear her rant. The two share a glance and Bellamy takes Clarke's hand, intertwingling their fingers. She blushes lightly before clearing her throat.

"Have you heard anything from you people?" He sighs having expected this when she returned.

"No. I have no idea what happened or what could have gone wrong. Even Monty is at a loss for an explanation. From the looks of it that was the last remaining ship on the Ark. If everyone wasn't on it when it came down..." Clarke picks upon what he can't say. Either his people burned alive in the crash or die from lack of oxygen in space. There was no third option.

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