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The next morning Bellamy and Miller has drove to Polis to confront the Commander about the event of the previous day. She was surprised to see them there, then became angry at what they had to explain. She sat quietly in her chair thinking of what to do next. Silence wrapped around them before Lexa spoke again, having seen the worry edged in Bellamy's expression

"Don't worry skaiheda. This will be handled. I assure you." Lexa reach out her hand and she and Bellamy shook in agreement. Those that were on sky people land will be found and punished for their crimes.

Much to Bellamy and Miller's luck there was no incident on the way back. Instead they return to camp safely with no trouble at all.

A week had passed since then, and Jasper was recovering well. Everything was as it should be, so was the new routine for Bellamy. Wake up in camp, deal with Miller to lead for a few hours, deal with food, rations, and hunting. Then at night, sneak off to find Clarke and Madi. For hours he would stay with them, telling stories of his life on the Ark, and Clarke teaching him Trigedasleng, as much as she could anyway. He wasn't catching on as fast, but then again it was all new to him, unlike her and Madi who grew up on both languages.

Sometimes Bellamy would sneak away from camp early and go hunting with Madi, teach her tricks he had been taught or go with Clarke so she could teach him her ways. Whether it was showing him how to spear a fish or climb a tree for a better scouting range to kill a deer, he listened, payed attention, and learned. As if he were a sponge absorbing everything he could, or as much as Clarke would offer to show.

There was only so much she was willing to open up about and teach him. Hunting and fishing was not much of a problem, some teasing on his heavy foot and how sky people aren't very stealthy, but nothing harsh. However when it came to being personal, she closed like a clam. Avoided his questions or glared intensely until he stopped talking. But it would take time for her to open up more, and Bellamy knew this. So he took everything slow, letting them open up on their own.

He grew fond of the time they spent together. Learning from one another and trusting more each day, each hour that passed by. Madi had scraped her knee and hurt her ankle once when Clarke wasn't home so she went to Bellamy for help. She cried in his shoulder as he held her to him before tending to her leg. He cleaned up the blood and wrapped her ankle in a way he learned from Harper at camp. Once he had finished Madi clung to him for the rest of the day, getting piggy back rides when she refused to walk, and that was how Clarke had found them. Bellamy running around in front of the cabin making a strange noise (Airplane) while Madi giggled and held onto him tightly. They only realized she was there when she burst out laughing at them.

That was how time had passed for the three of them. Laughing, joking, teasing, telling stories. Even opening up a little about how they had met or what it was like growing up where they did. For Bellamy it was space, for Madi it was Shadow Valley until Clarke saved her from danger; promising her parents she would keep their daughter safe. Bellamy put as much together that some people in different clans had nightblood,and those people were half wolf, at least they would be eventually. And those people were not treated well in many clans, which meant Madi was in danger. Thanks to Clarke she wasn't anymore. No one found out about her blood before it was too late.

Then there was Clarke herself, a large mystery still to Bellamy. All she would say was she was born and raised in the woods with her people. Now she's here. He already knew about the Wanheda speculations and put two and two together, but he never dares voice them or think them aloud. Not when the woman near him was the complete opposite of a ruthless killer. Bellamy never pressed for more than what she was willing to give. Instead he was content on living the way they were.

Until one day the routine was broken.

Bellamy was still doing his rounds around camp, helping out where he was needed when a commotion grew at the gate. Someone was screaming his name and the patrols had their guns pointed at them. It wasn't until Bellamy got close that he recognized who it was. Clarke.

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