Old Friends

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Clarke was still anxious whenever people went outside the gate. She knew what Christian was doing, encircling the land and waiting to strike. It's what he always does. If he suspects her or Madi to be living in skaikru territory he won't hesitate to attack. Clarke shutters at the thought and shaka her head. It's been 3 days with no more disappearances or disembodied fingers. Three days of quiet and peace.

Today Clarke was showing Harper and Octavia remedies they could make that have medicinal purposes. But something catches in her hearing, a commotion near the gate.

"Clarke? You okay?" Just then Bellamy pops in and speaks.

"You're gonna wanna see this "

She stands abruptly, confusing the two with her, before rushing off towards the gate, nearly leaving Bellamy behind. She passes Madi who was sitting down with a young girl names Charlotte as they played some games with rocks and sticks.

She feared what was coming but knew it was no use worrying the little girl yet. Not until Clarke was sure they we're in danger .

Clarke rushes faster and faster, up to the point Bellamy kicks off running after her. A familiar scent fills her nose the closer she gets. She hardly noticed Bellamy, Octavia, and Harper following. When they get there she sees Murphy and a few others pointing a gun at a grounder, one she knows.

"Lincoln?? Oh my God. MOVE!!" She shouts and rushed to his side. He's bleeding and hunched over holding his side. "Lincoln?" she holds her hands on his face, Bellamy a little confused in the background watching. 

"Christian.." Lincoln mumbles before passing out.

"Get him to medical. Now!" The delinquents help carry him into the tent and lay him down on the table in the dropship. Clarke takes off his layer of clothing quickly and cleans the wound. "Fuck!" She curses under her breath before running out of the dropship, Bellamy following.

"Clarke what's going on?" He finds her in her tent ruffling through her bag. "Clarke?"

"I don't have time to explain." She rushes past him with a jar of something blue and gooey, running to the dropship. "Octavia, tie him down. Tight." She nods frantically looking for rope. "No. Chains." She mumbles dangerously quiet.

Octavia gulps but does as she's told. Bellamy enters and sees Clarke using moonshine on her hands, then on Lincoln's wound. He jumps up and growls from pain.

"Sorry Linc." She mumbles. Bellamy watches from afar, squinting at the exchange. Lincoln curses in trig, making Clarke laugh. "At least you still have a sense of humor.

"Says you." He groans and pulls at the chain.

"Lincoln ste ste!" He grits his teeth and tries but pulls again as Clarke digs her fingers into his side.


"Ste. Ste." He looks into her eyes before closing them growling again before she pulls a blade out of his skin. "You might want to bite down."

"Chit? Raun skaikru teik yu kwel? Pipsqueak." She laughs and shakes her head, smiling.

"I'm trying to keep you alive jack ass." Lincoln smiles at this before groaning and pulling at the chain shouting and cursing when the moonshine hits his side again.

"Dammit Clarke! Heads up next time?"

"What? Being around Lexa make you soft?" she winks making him blush.

"Real funny." She chuckles at this before coming up to him with a needle and thread. He groans and grits his teeth while she sews it together. Once done she pulls out the jar and rubs the blue semi liquid on his side. "FUCK!!" He pulls at the chain with a deep growl. Scaring Bellamy and Octavia. They jump back and stare at the grounders.

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