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                  "Y/n P.O.V"

Looking through my closet I have no idea what to wear, I'm nervous as hell and excited the same time. After I check all my clothes I finally manage to pick one, this bunny should not buy me this much clothes in the first place, I will work very hard,I need money and need to stay strong for my son. 

Outfit :

I walk down the stairs and to the kitchen to eat my breakfast, as soon as I walk in all eyes on me "is there something wrong? don't I look good?" I ask them but no answer I sigh and ready to turn around to change "wait what are you doing? you look really good dear, right Jungkook?" ahjumma smile to me as I turn back to face them. "I thought an angle come in to bless us" he joke and I roll my eyes. I sit on the chair and eat my meal.

"I can sense something really good going to happen in the Company" ahjumma state while placing the foods in front of me "me too ahjumma, I think I made a great choice" he state while eating his food. "I don't even sense anything good" I say and roll my eyes and dig on my food.

Time skip

As soon as we reach the company I hold more tighter on my bag, hands start to wet as I'm too nervous. We get out from the car and ready to walk in but I stop "what happen?" he look at me with lot of concern but I shake my head and took a deep breath "I'm a little nervous but I'm okay", he come back to me and take my hand in his " everything will be okay don't worry" he comfort me and we walk in.

Everyone bow when they once they notice Jungkook but start to whisper as well when they see our hand, my heart start to beat more harder in my chest. We stop in front of the elevator and once its open we step in and everyone inside the elevator bow to him again. Fourteen floor and the elevator stop and we step out. "As its your first day and start for your work you won't still have your own office, you need to catch up with your workmates here"

"Okay I understand" we stop in front of a glass door written DESIGNING ROOM. As soon as we walk in and notice by the workers, maybe designer they bow . "Daehwi" he call out and one man comes front "yes Mr Jeon" he bow and ask with his hands back "this is Y/n and new employee here, she will take Mrs Kim place before we find new designer, take care of her" he state firmly looking all serious "yes Mr Jeon" he look at me and smile sweetly  "good morning Y/n" he bow and I did too "good morning to you too"

"I'll go now don't cause any trouble for your new friends here" I roll my eyes as he kiss my forehead and walk out. As soon as he is out of everyone sight they all ran to me with a smile on their pretty and handsome face. "Hi Y/n my name is Mina, one of the designer here" he smile to me and we shake our hand".

"Let me introduce them, David and Lucy our tailor from USA but also designer, Mina and Momo designer from Japan and me Daehwi also tailor and I work here the longest besides Mrs Kim" we all shake our hand with a smile, we talk for a moment before the work start. Daehwi gesture me to my seat.

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