Twenty Eight

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                  _2 years later_
                   23 April 2022

I finally finish my work and ready to leave to pick my son up from his new school. I take my bag and get out of the office after I tell my colleague what I'm up to. I take my cell phone out and dial  his teacher number while I never stop my step towards the elevator. "Hello Miss Park"

"Hello to you too Ms Kang, Is Jinsu still in the school? I'm on my way to pick him up" I smile and get in the elevator and press the button towards the first floor. "Yes he's still in the classroom, playing with the toys. I think you have to be hurry Ms Park, he's been so sulky today" he words start to get me worried. "What happen to him?" I wait patiently to let the elevator reach the floor. "After you drop him, he didn't want to talk at all. Sometimes whenever I check on him, tears forms on his eyes. When I ask him the reason he didn't talk at all. The whole day he didn't even play with others, I don't have any idea what's going on with him" I finally step out from the elevator and fasten my step towards the car, where Mr Lee must be waiting for me. "I talk to you later" I cut the call and get in the car.


"Where is he?" I ask as soon as I step in the school and spot Ms Kang standing near the entrance. "Follow me" I nod my head and follow her. Soon we reach the classroom, I peek through the glass window, and spot him sitting on the floor and play with some toys. I sigh and get in the classroom quietly and squad down behind him, and tap his shoulder. "My baby, mama is here..." he turn his head quickly and wrap his arms around me. I notice some tears on his eyes as well. I slowly pick him up and take his bag pack as well. I hug him and caresses his back. "Thank you Ms Kang" I bow with a sad smile and walk away, towards the entrance. My baby sad face makes me sad as well. Mr Lee open the door for us and I sit on the backseat, and place his small bag besides me along with my bag. "Are you okay, my baby? Hmm?" I ask softly before I plant a kiss on the crown of his head. He keep silent but move closer to me and hug me more tightly, while placing his head on my chest. Tears start to form on my eyes as well.

"Mama.." his soft voice calls me and look at me. "Can we go to Eunha house?" I look at him all  clueless before I ask him. "Who is Eunha?"

"She's my friend but she didn't come today and I don't have any friends. I want to see her" his tears slowly rolls down on his cheek, I smile and wipe his tears away with a smile. "Okay, let me ask Ms Kang her number and well go there, okay?" he nod his head cutely and rest his head back on my chest. I take my phone out from my bag and dialed Ms Kang number and ask Eunha's guardian number. I thank her and dialled the number she give me.


"Miss we're here" I nod my head and get out of the car with Jinsu on my arms. I place him on the ground and take his hand on mine. We stand in front of a small house, we walk towards it and ring the door bell. After waiting for a few second the door open and stand a well build man, looking so young. "Excuse me miss, who are you?"

"My name is Y/n and we come here to meet Eunha. Is she in there? My son says she didn't attend the school today and he's worried" he nod his head and move a little on the corner and open the door wider. "Please come in" I step in along with Jinsu and try to take my shoes off but got stop by the same man. "Its unnecessary to take your shoes off, its okay just follow me." I do as told and follow him. "Eunha got a fever yesterday so I need to take care of her." He walk towards a small room and step in, followed by us. "Jinsu-ah.." the little girl who sleep on the bed quickly jump up from it and run to my baby, as he did the same and they hug each other. But got separate by her father. "You can't hug each other, your friend might also get a fever...Eunha"  the pout cutely and walk to her small bed and sit on it. "How old is Jinsu?"

"He's five years old, what about Eunha?"

"Same years, anyway sorry for not introducing. My name is Jongdae, its nice to meet you Ms Y/n" he put his hand forward and we shake our hands together. "Can I ask where is her mother?" he sadly look at his daughter, avoiding eye contact with me. "She got married to another man, our parents never support our relationship, they try to abort her but I stop them and let her give birth. So, I take care of her my own."

That's a sad story.

The sound of Eunha cough makes me avert my eyes to her. "Princess you need to take a rest."

"But papa...I want to play with Jinsu" she pout and whine. I chuckle internally and smile at her cute face. "Eunha, you need to sleep and be healthy. Please come to school tomorrow, I don't have any friends and I miss you"


Did my baby really say that??

Next day

*cough cough*

My baby cough wakes me up and look at him. He must also caught a fever after he meet his friend. I should let him be near, he get cold easily, just like his father. I touch his forehead and it felt hot.
"He's sick" I quickly get up and pull the blanket higher for him, and step out of our room while tying my hair and walk down the stairs towards the kitchen. "Good morning Kook" I greet him as I walk in and give him a kiss on his check, which he did the same. "Don't you get sleep last night?" I yawn and take the ginger tear from the cupboard. "Yes..Jinsu is sick so I need to be awake to take care of him." I reply, he quickly rise from his chair and put his coffee cup on the table and run towards by room. I chuckle. "He must really cared for him."

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