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Today is the day aunty got discharge from the hospital and holiday we go to the hospital. "Good afternoon my babies" as soon as we step in she smile and greet us. Opening her arms for us we walk to her and hug her. I miss this. "I miss you aunty" we break the hug and she kiss our head. "I miss you too"

"I'll go pay the bills" with that Jungkook left and I pack her clothes. "Don't you sleep well last night Y/n?" I stop from zipping her bag, how can she know this. "Why is your eyes so puffy?" I zip the bag and turn to her "its nothing aunty, I'm just busy with my work" she pat the bed beside her so I sit beside her. "You can tell me if something bothers you. I'm your mother best friend, and your mother since you were six years old. I know you better than anyone. You can tell me everything sweetie".

Those words should be from my mom but she's nowhere, she's in the better place already. I hope they keep an eye on my son and take me to him. " I'll tell you everything later..when I'm ready" the sound of the door open make us look at it. Jungkook comes along with aunty doctor with a smile. "I'm going to miss you Ms Jeon" the young doctor, around our age hug her tightly, they must be really close.

             "Jungkook P.O.V"

Something is not right with Y/n, she's hiding something from me, from us. I need to figure it out. On the backseat of the car they both talk about the doctor, mom told her to see him sometimes, in fact she want her to date him. Yeah, it good for her to have a date, she's almost twenty-five anyway. My thought was distracted from the call I got from Jimin hyung. "Yes hyung"

"We need to talk about Taehyung" what is there to talk about, he's a workaholic man there's nothing so much to talk about him "okay I'll meet you at 1".

" who is it Jungkook?" mom ask after a short silent, I told the driver to drive a little faster "its Jimin hyung, he wants to talk about Taehyung hyung"...." This boy also should find his partner already instead of working like his dad, Y/n have you already met him?".

"Yeah once, we have a dinner together with other Kook friends"

After we reach our house, I quickly went to my room to change, take my car keys and drove off to mg destination. As soon as I reach the cafe all my hyungs without the one we're going to talk about. "What is it you want to talk about?" I take the empty seat next to Hoseok hyung. "Well something odd happen to Taehyung"

He start to explain what he sees in him after our dinner with Y/n. "Oh yes I also eavesdrop his conversation with mom as well" this time Jin hyung join. "He ask her about how she felt when she first meet dad and how his heart beat accelerate while a girl is with her. He didn't mention the girl name" Why should he be like this. What is wrong with him and Y/n??

"So you mean he like Y/n?" I as out of the blue to make Yoongi hyung choke on his drink and Hoseok hyung look at me with wide eyes. Namjoon hyung put his hand on his mouth, while Jin hyung and Jimin hyung nod their head. "If thats true we should let them meet often" thats Jin hyung idea "nonsense" and thats Yoongi hyung idea. "Yes sense" thats Hoseok. "Maybe he's going to change, he smile a lot when he's alone at home these days, I caught him once".

                 "Y/n P.O.V"

No message from the unknown number anymore, maybe he believe my words and wait for another few months. "Why are you always glancing at you phone Y/n" out of nowhere aunty caught me "its nothing" with that she continue to watch her movies playing in the big screen.

_three days later_

Busying from Monday till today is something I never did before. Making new clothes, thanks to God uncle teach me how to makes clothes and that makes me can help Lucy and David. Daehwi busy with finding cloth. "Can you past me the water?" I ask Lucy who sit beside me, she did I as I ask her to. "Lets take some rest"

I sit on my chair drinking the cold water which makes me relieve. Everyday I check my phone whether I got another message from the unknown number "Y/n...Mr Jeon call you in his office" I glance away from my from and nod at David who inform me.

"Why do you want to see.....Oh hi Taehyung oppa" as soon as I step in without looking around I speak but change my sentences when I see Taehyung oppa. He flash me a sweet smile which I return back to be polite. "Lets go" Jungkook stand from his chair and grab his coat. I look at him confuse not knowing what is going on here.."we're going out to have lunch with Taehyung hyung today" thats all he say and walk out, leaving me dumbfounded. "Come on" 

With that me and Taehyung oppa walk together behind him "you look beautiful" he whisper beside me and make me blush a little. "Thank you and you look handsome too". My heart start to fasten its beat. Why is that? 

We reach a nice restaurant and the waiter takes our order " I need to use the restroom" with that Jungkook left, leaving me and him alone. I'm still not that use to him which make me nervous and my hand start to sweat. "So I heard your designs will include on the up coming new products" I nod my head and smile "I'm really nervous its my first time working as a real designer"

"Its okay it happens often but Jungkook once told me that your childhood designs save his dad company"

"Uh yeah, I don't even know how that happen but I'm really happy when he told me" I'm honest to him. We talk more and more to know each other better, and I got really comfortable to him. Our orders arrive and we start to eat. I eat silently while both of them talk about business things. "So we decided to held the fashion show in September" that makes me look up at Jungkook, who just finish his sentences

"Fashion show?" I ask with an excited tone, he nod his head "yes in Busan" and that makes me more excited. Now its June and still need to wait a little longer to go back to my hometown for being away from the town, that long. I miss my old house, the garden, my swing and my room. I never once visit my parents grave after I runaway, so it is a good chance for me. I miss you Busan.

Before I step in the designing room I got another message from the same unknown number

I'll give you three months to have the money I want. Don't forget three months.

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