Twenty Nine

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             _2 weeks later_
                     9 pm.

"Is he asleep?" once I step out from my baby room that Taehyung oppa provide for him in his own house, I smile and nod my head then walk up to him, in order to sit next to him on the couch and rest my head on his shoulder. "Aren't you tried?" I ask and look at him with the corner of his eyes. He wrap both his arms around me and pull me closer and kiss the crowd of my head. "I'm not since you and Jinsu are here." I smile and plant a kiss on his cheek and hug him back. This is all I wish for, having a small happy family but the thing that bothers me a lot these days is that, when is he planning to propose me? Or he doesn't want to get marry me? This two question keep playing in my mind and makes me a little stress. "Honey?" the new nickname he gave me two months ago, which always brings smile on my face. I hum in response and close my eyes, not watching the movie he play on the TV. "I wanted to ask you something but......" I can feel his heart, beating more faster as I lay my head on his chest just a second ago. "....I don't know how to do or say, you know? I'm not a romantic guy.." I open my eyes and sit straight, turn my body and fix my eyes on me. When he mention the word 'romantic', my heart skip a beat and I want to know more. Now I give him all my attention and he seems to be more nervous.

"What is it?" I ask, hoping that he could ask me the question I wanted to hear from him for a very long time. "I....I..umm..." he shutter and bite his bottom lip, before he continue without looking at my eyes, closing his eyes. "Will you want to marry me?"

Oh My!!! Am I dreaming? 

I'm so happy that he finally ask me the question. I can't even utter a word, sensing that I didn't move or answer him he open his eyes, just to see me with my tears on my eyes. I quickly cup his cheek and kiss his lips. "Yes, yes of course I want to marry you. You don't have any idea how much I wanted to hear this question from you."

My positive answer put a smile on his face and kiss my lips, softly and gently. He cup my jawline and caresses it with his thumb. To deepen the kiss I wrap my arms around his neck and move closer to him.

"Mama..." Oh no, I quickly pull myself back and turn my back just to see my baby walking towards us, with the bunny plushie   his uncle brought it for him, to sleep with it. I rise up from the couch and pick him up from the floor and sit back on the couch. "What happen my baby? Why are you not sleeping?"

"I want to sleep with you and papa" he reply his baby sleepy  voice. I smile and kiss his cheek before I rise up from the couch to walk to the bedroom but check on the male, who still sits on the couch with a pink cheek, his blushing. I shake my head but walk in the bedroom to lay on the bed with my baby. Since I already wear my pajama on, I don't need to change anymore.

                 _Next day_

I place all the foods I cook and walk to my baby bedroom to wake him up. already feels like we're a real family. While Taehyung oppa getting ready for work I need to wake my baby up for his school. I already dress up for my work as well as soon as I wake up and finish my routine, to be easier for me.

"Time to wake up my baby..." I slowly shake him, he open his eyes and rub them with the back of his hand. I lift him up and kiss his cheek. "Good morning" I kiss his temple in a row and walk in his bathroom to let him take a bath and prepare him for his school.

                    8 : 13 am.

"Bye bye my baby, don't forget to be a good boy and cause trouble for your friends and teacher, okay?" he nod his head cutely and smile, I kiss his cheek as he did the same to me and oppa. "I love you my baby" I kiss his forehead and let his teacher drag him to his classroom. We watch him get in the preschool and get in the car as well.  While talking random stuff, about Jinsu and others, with laugh we reach our destination as well. "I love you" I kiss his cheek before I step out of his car after he reply with the same sentences. I close the door and wave at him before I get in the company.

"Surprise!!!!" everyone cheer as soon as I reach our office. The inside is all decorated with red balloons, flowers and something that I don't know. I look everyone in confuse "Turn around Y/n" I do as Jungkook told me to but gasp in surprise, I put both my palm on my mouth as tears start forming in my eyes. I though he already left but there, he stand outside the office holding a big chart, which written 'WILL YOU MARRY ME?' very clearly and nicely. I can't move, but he walk towards our office and open the class door. "I know I already ask you last night but that was just to make sure that you'll give me the answer I want. But now, I do this for real, Will you marry me Y/n?"

I nod my head and hug him tight, while my tears rolls down on my cheeks uncontrollably. He break the hug and take my left hand in his and put the ring that he just take it out of his pocket and put it on my ring finger. I brush the ring with his thumb while he lock his eyes with mine. "Thank you Y/n and I love you"

"I love you too" I smile and out lips met. The others cheers for us and clap their hands, he break the kiss "wait I almost forget" he walk towards the nearest table and pick the bouquet of flower and give it to me then, connect our lips. "Mama!!" I heard my son call my name so I break the kiss, why always when we kiss? Wait, aren't he suppose to be at school?.
He run inside the office and hug me by my leg. His cute smile that I can't resist, which always put a smile on my face and melt my heart. I squad down to his level and kiss his cheek "Why are you here my baby, aren't you suppose to be at school?"

"Yes but papa say you need to come here and papa take me here with him" he smile widely but I look at him confuse, "Papa?" he nod his head in response to my question. "Its me, I bring him here"
That voice...Jong An???

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