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                   "Y/n P.O.V"

"You finish?"  as soon as I got out from the hospital bathroom Jungkook ask me, looks like he just finish using his phone to make a call. I put the hospital clothes on the bed and walk up to him, to give him a hug which he did back. "Thank you so much Kook, I don't know what will I do if I don't have you" I sob on his chest, feeling so sad and hurt but happy at the same time. He caresses my head and plant a soft kiss on the crown of my head. "No need to thank me, its okay." I break the hug put fix my eyes on his, "but how did you know I have son and why don't you and aunty got angry at me?" I can't help but ask since this question linger in my mind for the past four days.

"When you start to act different like you look stress, sad and scared at the same time, I start to have doubt on you. When I saw you on my bed, cuddling me that morning I decided to check your phone since I didn't feel easy then I read all the message. So I ask Yoongi hyung to help me. We even ask Sejeong, your friend about you and that jerk Jong An"

Tears form on my eyes, I don't know what exactly to feel to be honest. I feel like crying but can't at the same time. "What happen to Rina?" he look down at the floor, I know he's hurt. I hug him and rub my palm on his back, also tap it to comfort him. "I hate her so much, she hurt you and me. She just used me for my money when she have the one from her childhood days. I hate myself for being such a blind" this is it, if I didn't run away this would never happen. I hate myself so much right now, I hate everything I caused for Jungkook, hurt Taehyung oppa, lost my son, being such irresponsible mother also for being such a coward and selfish. "We should go, the jet will be ready in half an hour" I nod, take his hand on mind and walk out of the hospital.

We reach the airport and meet Mr Song with Rina, Yoongi oppa and a few cops. Rina never look up from the ground, feeling so shameless and guilt she didn't even utter a word. Mr Song warmly greet us and hug both of us. "I'm so sorry Y/n for what both my daughter did to you. I'm such a bad father ever, I should raise them nicely and never let them comeback to Korea. This is all my fault" he sincerely apologize and fix his eyes on the ground. I hug him to let him know that its okay and I'm not angry at all as long as I can meet my son again.

                   5 hours later

We reach a huge mansion, the cars stop in front of it. Mr Song step out of his car along with Rina while others did the same from another cars. "Please make yourself comfortable and consider it as your home. Jinsu maybe sleeping right now" she force a smile at us. Some guards leads the way to the front door. Some guards standing near the door open it for us, as soon as we step in Ms Song run up to us and slap Rina cheek "how can you do that?!! We warn you so much to stay away from Robert!" she cry in front of her daughter, seeing her or know that she hurt other makes her angry but feel guilt for her own daughter. "Yeobo calm down first, we'll talk about these tomorrow, we have a guest, stay calm"

"I'm so sorry Y/n, Jungkook. I should have teach her a good lesson, please forgive" she takes my hand in hers and apologize while tears flows down her cheek. "Its okay, but where is Jinsu? Is he sleeping?" I look around for my baby, so excited and nervous to meet him again. I can't help but feel unease about this whole problem. "Don't worry he's sleeping soundly inside his room" she smile at me and drag me to his room. While Jungkook and Mr Song walk to the living room to have a talk, and Rina, maybe to her room to be alone. "This is his room, you can go in" she smile at me and open the door for me. "Thank you so much Ms Song, for let me have a Chance to meet him again. You're so kind to me, I don't even know how to thank you. Thank you so much, I'll do everything to pay you back for taking care of my baby this whole years." I sincerely thank her while the tears of happiness flows down my cheeks. She hug me for a second then break it to smile at me. "No need to thank me and apologize, I'm the one who need to apologize for my daughters did to you. I'm so sorry Y/n"

I walk inside the room, sit near Jinsu head to caresses it slowly and softly to not wake him up. Its 9pm here in Canada so he need to rest as much as he can, maybe tired from playing. I kiss his forehead, and his cheek again ad again softly. A knock was heard on the door, Jungkook, Mr and Ms Song stand there and smile at me. "Can I sleep with him for tonight, I want to see the first one after I woke up at the morning"

"Of course you can, Jungkook and the rest can sleep on the guestroom. You need to rest as well Y/n, you have a long flight a few hours ago."

"Thank you" I said and lay down next to my baby to kiss his forehead again. I'm scared to see the next morning, will Jong An and Lucy allow me to take him or will there be a fight? "Lets just hope good things will happen" I mumble, kiss Jinsu forehead again and drift off to sleep as well while I cuddle him closer to me.

                      11 pm
              "Jungkook P.O.V"

I walk out of the guest room quietly to not wake the others, I close the door behind me and walk through the hallway which lead towards the kitchen. Rina is sitting there while she lay her head on the dinning table with the help of her arm. "Why are you still awake? You should take a rest" I willing said but sit across her, she slowly raise her head, eyes all red, maybe she cry too much. For a split second our eyes lock but divert it, "why did you do that?" I ask, this question always linger in my mind, always wants to as her. "You don't have to know" she said coldly and stand straight to walk away but I was quick to grab her wrist to stop her and pull her back to embrace her. She struggle to let her self free, hitting my chest, but nothing works. I didn't let her go since I know this will be the last time I hug her.

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