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"A/N P.O.V"

Its been three days after the company shows up with their new designs and become the first best selling summer clothes in the market. Y/n and her friends were happy, because of their hard works they beat the most well educated designer in Korea, Sinb designs just in a days. Robert knows the situation and come up with another idea, since she'll have a permanent job and earn lots of money he decided to make the blackmail reduce in two months and ask for two million more. It makes Y/n really stress, she can't ask for help from Jungkook and Ms Jeon. They did everything for her since she was six years old.

On the other hand, Jong An and Lucy didn't care much about their son, they let the babysitter or their parents take care of him. While they work. Seeing a cute baby boy, the adults melt and eventually give up on their work and hand it to their daughter, Lucy. All she wants was money, run their parents business, she didn't care much about Jong An or the baby boy. Sometimes, they argue and then she threaten him and make his mouth shut.

Taehyung fall for Y/n more and more everyday. It was knew for her, but he didn't have any idea what big secret she kept herself. He ask her out for lunch, call her sometimes through phone and text her as well. It was not knew for Y/n since she date most of Jungkook friends in High school. She respond nicely and politely and they even become more closer.

After that day, when Jungkook text Yoongi about the things he found in Y/n's phone. The next two days, he got a call from Yoongi and got some Y/n's past information. It turns out that Jong An changes his name so they can't find him. And to day was they day, Yoongi and his team will go look for Sejeong, in case they can got more information.

                  "Y/n P.O.V"

I wake up when my alarm ring non stop from the past ten minutes. I lazily get off my bed to do my morning routine. I'm tired these days because we work later than office time. The up coming fashion makes us a little stress. We need to design a gown and some fancy dress for the old lady.
We're going to collaborate with Taehyung oppa's company, and we'll work together from today..

I walk out from the bathroom and pick and outfit for today.

Outfit :

"Good morning" I greet aunty and ahjumma who are inside the kitchen, aunty drink tea while ahjumma places foods on the table

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"Good morning" I greet aunty and ahjumma who are inside the kitchen, aunty drink tea while ahjumma places foods on the table. "Good morning sweetheart" I kiss her cheek and take a my seat. "Morning mom, Y/n ahjumma" the lost bunny come in and place his bag on one of the chair before he kiss our cheeks. We greet him back then start eating our breakfast.

I walk in the office and greet my friends and take a seat. "Sinb and her team will be in twenty minutes" Mina inform me while taking her stuff out from her bag. "I'm so excited. Its the first time we'll collaborate with Mr Kim's designers." Lucy state happily

"Why are you so excited?" his brother ask while sipping on his coffee "because they are the best designers in Korea"...David smack her head while we all laugh at them " they are not the 'best' anymore. We have Mina, Momo and Y/n, they are the best"

I smile and shake my head "we're are not the best without you, Lucy and Daehwi"

"Thats right, I sew many clothes too." Lucy whine and we all chuckle, she's the youngest among us.

20 minutes later

The team we expected to come just got inside our office and introduce to us. We all clap our hands to welcome them. "We should all start" their team leader said, she looks rich, pretty and talented. It makes us insecure when we stand near her.

12:16 pm

"Time to break everyone, lets all grab our lunch together" Daehwi said, we agree and ready to leave when my phone makes a sound, indicating that I got a message

Taehyung Oppa you want to have lunch with me? I'm outside the building]

Since he's already outside I can't refuse.

[ I would love to...please wait a minute I'll be there]

Taehyung Oppa

Sure thing ]

We all walk out of the office, while other head to the cafeteria, I walk to the entrance. "Oppa" I called him with a smile on my face, he lean on his car but when he heard me he stand straight and wave at me. "Lets go" he open the passenger door for me, I get in and he walk to the driver seat, start the engine and we drove off.

After the lunch

"Can I ask you something?" he stop the car when the traffic light get red and turn to me "what is it?" he look at him too, he face the road again "Can you please stop calling me Oppa..?" I furrowed my eyes brow in confuse "why?"

"Because I want you give me some nickname, my mother told me that if someone gave you nickname that means you are special to them" he smile at me

"Sure....let me think about it" he start the engine and start driving again. "Do you want me to call you Alien?" I ask jokingly and laugh "A-Alien?"

"I'm just kidding....I'll call you Taetae oppa" I smile to him and he did the same "Taetae...its a nice nickname"

Soon we reach the company, I thank him for the lunch and we bid our goodbye for the day. I walk up the restroom before I get in the office and see Sinb was there as well "hey" I said and put my bag on the counter and wash my hand "where did you go? I though we're going to have lunch together. Your friends told me that Mr Kim sometimes call you out"

"Ah yeah we have lunch together" I smile to her and wipe the water with tissues "what kind of relationship do you have with him? Are you"

I choke on the air, dating??? No way, I like him just like a brother only. But to think of it, he wants me to be special to him from what I see and they way he ask me to give him a nickname "I like him as a brother only, nothing much"

"Thats good then" she says and just walk past me. What is wrong with her? I though she was a good person, but from her attitude just a second ago, I don't think she's a good person as they say.

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