Chapter Seven

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The Start of Something New


I was dead asleep. 

 For the first time in weeks, I was actually having a good sleep, which didn't make any sense, considering the conversation from earlier was ringing in my ears all day. I was all screwed up at training, and the whole mind reading thing didn't really help my case at all. It sucks knowing that other people know the thoughts that you would much rather keep private. Clearing my mind is something I am going to have to learn eventually.

 But I obviously haven't learned it yet. 

 So yes, I was asleep, mentally relishing the soft embrace of the only place I can go where I am not drowned by weird. 

 But then, of course, it ended. 

 A hard, painful, pull at my gut made me jerk upright in bed, my arms flailing around in my covers, almost making me fall right off of the bed. The pain worsened, and I gasped, crawling out of my bed to my window.

 Something was wrong. Embry was in trouble. 

 I gasped for air, wasting no time in swinging down from my window, the small fall not hurting me anymore then I already was. I stumbled once, almost falling as I began to run, the pain in my stomach making tears spring to my eyes. I just took off, no shoes, no shirt, but a destination in mind. 

 I focused on phasing, but the pain was making me lose all concentration, and my body remained human. Billy Black's house was a good five minute run from my house if you cut through the woods, but the scratches on my feet went unnoticed. 

 "Where is he?" I yelled, gasping again and groaning as the pain in my stomach doubled. Paul, Sam, and Jared were already there, as was Billy Black. I spotted Embry immediately. On the ground, groaning my pain and jerking around wildly. I shoved Jared to the side and fell to my knees on the hard ground. 

 "T-Tony?" He managed, shaking again. Sweat slicked his hair back, and his eyes were screwed up in pain. I threw all caution out of the window, and gently rested my hand on the side of his face. "Yeah, yeah, it's me. Just relax, it'll be over soon." 

 "W-What's h-" his voice cut off by a loud scream, followed by a crack as his arm bent at an odd angle. I winced deeply at the tears streaming down his face, remembering exactly how I felt the first time I phased. 

 "It's okay, I swear to God it'll be okay," I cooed, brushing his hair out of his eyes, "okay? It'll be over soon, I promise." 

 Another crack, another earsplitting scream that seemed to invoke more pain in me then it did in him.  

"Tones you have to back up," Paul reached forward to grab my arm, but I resisted, no part of me wanting Embry to have to go through this alone. "No-" 

 "Come on," another set of hands grabbed my arms, yanking me off of the ground. A blinding pull at my gut made me thrash around in their grip, trying to get back to Embry, even though I knew them together would be no match for me. Them separate are barely a match. Especially considering how much pain I was feeling right now. Secondhand pain is the worst kind of pain. You can't do anything about it, you can't even help

You can just watch. 

 So that was what I did. 

 I watched as he convulsed on the ground, the process seeming to last hours, until there was no boy left, just a large, light brown wolf. 

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