Chapter Thirteen

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I was brutally aware of every place on my body he touched. Hands held on the skin under my shirt, his soft hair curled through my fingertips, his lips pressed firmly against mine. 

I felt like I was in an entirely different universe. Our lips moved in perfect sync, making my chest buzz and the wolf in my stomach howl with delight. It was like now that I was finally touching him, I couldn't get enough. I pulled him closer, so close that our chests were pressed together almost as close as our lips,  his hands moving up my sides, making me shudder in delight. A low growl came from his throat, which only made me kiss him harder, feeling like I was going to explode. 

 His lips detached from mine so we could suck in a deep breath of air, but they latched back onto my neck soon after, making me let out a noise somewhere between a moan and a growl. We couldn't get enough of each other. Like the other was a drug... and we were both addicted. 

 One thing was clear: 

 The just friends thing was not going to work out. 


I woke up late the next day. 

 To be fair, I had a bit of trouble falling asleep. My entire body tingled, like I had been electrocuted, and there was no scientific explanation for how I felt. 

I had to literally roll out of bed, the jarring thump from my shoulder hitting the ground helping me wake up. I groaned, rolling onto my back and forcing myself up an into a pair of loose sweatpants. The house was silent, probably because it was six A.M, and normal human beings don't wake up this early. 

 A ping resonated around my room as a sharp object hit my window, followed by a harsh whisper of  "hurry up, loser." 

 I rolled my eyes, poking my head out of the window, and vaguely making out Paul flash me a thumbs-up. I stuck up my middle finger in response, taking into account how the whole pack, minus Embry much to my dismay, were gathered in my backyard. 

 I slid the glass open with a dull creak, the cool perspiration immediately slicking my arms, making me want to rub them together. I jumped down from the window, the wind rushing up my bare torso, and landed on the balls of my feet.  

 The sun was just barely peaking over the horizon when I approached Paul, yawning widely and ruffling my hair. I always need a few minutes after I wake up to actually be able to function like a human being. Instead of the usual slightly rude greeting from Paul, I received a wide-eyed look, followed by a bout of rambunctious laughter. 

"Damn, Tones, how much sleep did you get last night?" He teased, as Sam and Jared walked around the house and toward us. I furrowed my brow. 

 "What the hell are you talking about?" I asked, looking down to see if I had accidentally put my pants on inside out or something. I couldn't see anything wrong, and my hair was too short to have been that bad. 

 Jared and Sam walked over, the former catching sight of me and having a very similar reaction to Paul. He snorted into his palm, and coughed out his laughs. Sam rubbed his face with his hand, although I thought I could see his lips quirk in an undignified smirk.

I have never been so confused in my life. What is wrong with these guys? I brought my fingers to my face, but couldn't find anything that would be worth the reaction I was getting. I could feel myself blush, although I wasn't sure why.

 "Tony... have you looked in a mirror at all today?" Sam asked, his shoulders rising. My face burned, and my eyebrows drew together like they were on a string. "No, I just came right out of bed."

 "Oh," he chuckled again, "maybe you should go inside and check it out." 

 I brought my hands to my face again, but whirled on my heels and stalked back into my house, this time having to fish they key from the top of the door frame and enter through there. I tip-toed through the dark house, excruciatingly aware of every squeaky board there was. There is something about houses at night that have always freaked me out, so I walked through as quickly as I could. 

 I slid the bathroom door open, and had to duck to avoid smacking my forehead. I froze when I thought I heard someone walking upstairs, but relaxed when I realized it was just the floor, so I shook my head, shut the door tight, and flicked on the light switch. 

 The light flashed too bright, so I closed my eyes for a few seconds so they could adjust. 

 When I opened them, my eyes widened so much I was almost one hundred percent positive that they doubled in size. 

There was nothing wrong with my face, or even my hair, but my neck was covered in hickeys.

  Bruises dotted around the sensitive skin, blue and red and totally embarrassing. My fingers brushed over the burning skin, making a shivering sensation float down my spine, but a scowl twist at my lips. I covered my face with my hands, groaning, and finally mustered up the courage to exit the bathroom, flicking off the light. 

 I ran up the stairs two at a time, grabbed a hoodie that was to small for me off my bookshelf, and shoved it on, climbing back out into the air, seeing that Embry had joined the group. That observation only made me pull the hood up and cross my arms like I was a disgraced seven year old. 

 "Ha, ha, lookin' good, Carter," Jared teased, mimicking finger guns, and winking over-dramatically. "I'm sure that's what-" 

 I didn't let him finish, I jumped forward and smacked his arm, rolling my eyes and pouting. I saw Embry cross his arms from my peripheral vision, although a very cocky smirk was dancing on his face.

 Idiot, next time he'll be the one with the bruised neck

 Wait...  next time? 

 The thought struck me so quickly I didn't have time to fully process it. Did I want there to be a next time? Well... yes. I want to talk first, talk, and then make out some more I guess. 

"I know many of us are dreading this," Sam held up his hands, looking pleased with himself. "But it is time for training." 

 I groaned, going through all of the scenario's for how to keep my head clear. Despite my boiling hot embarrassment, I still felt light. 



A/N: Well, the amount of second hand embarrassment I felt writing this almost gave me cardiac arrest. Enjoy an incorrect quote, and please keep voting and commenting! 

 Enjoy an incorrect quote, and please keep voting and commenting! 

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Lots of love!

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