Chapter Twelve

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Bad News


I thought things were just more complicated in the world that shouldn't even exist. No, things were bad at home too. 

 "Are you ready?" My mom's eyes were already red when she came to get me a few days later. We were on our way to Harry Clearwater's funeral... turns out he had a heart attack in the woods the day the bloodsucker came back to town. I had known the man well... everyone knew Harry Clearwater. He was kind, and used to play catch with Quil and I when we were younger. 

 Now he's dead.  

 I nodded slowly, the black jacket that rested on my arms slightly to big. It used to belong to my dad, and I guess I was near the same size he was when he was in his late twenties. I don't have much fancy stuff, so I am wearing a black jacket over a dark blue shirt with a tie that is slowly choking me out, and black jeans. All black... the saddest color. The color of mourning. 

 Alyssa swanned over, her hair pulled back into a braid, a black dress swishing around her knee's. Lyssa rarely dresses up, so when she does, you know it is a special occasion. That is not necessarily a good thing... especially in a scenario like this. 

 "We're ready," we spoke in perfect unison, but neither of us had the nerve to shoot the other an annoyed look. My mom get's kind of spacey when she is upset, and we both know how upset she is now. 

 "Good, come on, we are meeting Tiffany." 

 I stiffened unintentionally. Tiffany, Tiffany Call, Embry's mom. 

 Great, as if I can't breath enough already. 

 As we walked out the door, I began slowly tugging on my tie, trying to loosen it from my neck as much as possible. I wasn't used to wearing shirts anymore, and in two layers, I felt like I was in the goddamn desert. 

 We walked down the dirt road in silence, I had to be curtly aware of how fast I was walking, given my legs were so much longer than my mom's an Alyssa's. Lyssa was finally getting taller though, she had cut her hair a little shorter, and it was like the rest of her body was making up for it by stretching out. 

 I continued tugging on the collar of my shirt, even as I saw the outline of Embry and his mom. I hated stiff clothing, and the occasion is making me apprehensive. I hate funerals... they always remind me of my dad's, and I am pretty sure I am going to cry, which would suck for my image. Seeing little-well, actually he's not all that little anymore-Seth Clearwater won't help my case, as he will no doubt remind me of my past self, bringing up all of those memories I spent years locking away. 

 I coughed, making Alyssa turn to me and upturn her nose, leaning forward and whispering so mom couldn't hear as she was embracing Tiffany. "It's okay." 

 That was not what I was expecting her to say, and I turned my head down a little, seeing her eyes trained back ahead. Of course it was hard for Alyssa... she might've been closer to my dad then anyone else. I could see how tense her chest was, like she was holding her breath.

Embry didn't try to talk, he just gave me a soft smile, and I swallowed, smiling back tersely. I wanted to hold his hand again, but I didn't... at least not yet. 

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