Chapter Twenty

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The Capacity of Stupidity


"I'm sorry, you did what?" 

Jacob winced like he had been punched, closing his eyes and scrunching up his face. "I kissed Bella." 

 This fact made me irrationally mad, and I think Jake could tell. Apparently this asshat kissed Bella Swan, knowing full well that she doesn't feel the same way about him. "What the fuck, Jacob?" I demanded, crossing my arms and very vaguely feeling  Embry place his hand on my bicep. 

 "Yeah, you bitch!" Alyssa stepped forward, pressing her arms against his chest and shoving him backward slightly. "This is why nobody fucking loves you!"  

 "Okay, this is getting very violent, very fast," Quil mumbled, taking a tentative step forward, and resting his hand on Alyssa's shoulder, whispering something to her so quietly that I couldn't hear it. 

 "I am telling you guys now, because I need to go and apologize!" Jacob did a very poor job of defending himself, crossing his arms, and looking as if we were already at his funeral. "Okay? I need to go to the graduation party at the bloodsuckers, and apologize to her." 

 "The Cullen's?" Quil's ears perked up, and he leaned his head forward ever-so-slightly. "Like... at their house?" 

 "No you idiot in their cemetery!" Embry rolled his eyes, scoffing indignantly. "Obviously their house."

"Look, I know you guys are mad at me," Jake began, earning a very loud 'no shit,' from Alyssa. "But the only way I can make this right is by apologizing to Bella... and I just kind of assumed you guys would want to come to the Cullen's house." 

 We all scoffed and crossed our arms. None of us wanted to admit that he was right, although we knew that he was... we did want to see the Cullen's house. 

 I laughed once, sharing a look with my boyfriend, before turning back to Jacob. "You're not allowed to ride in my car." 

 Alyssa cheered, and we were gone. 


The Cullen's house was illuminated in different color lights when we got there, and music from a speaking was literally making my eardrums throb. 

 "Ugh," I stuck my finger in my ear, wincing as my eyes adjusted to the lighting. "I have never been to a party like this, and I am happy about it." 

 Quil looked around in awe, not even noticing as Alyssa picked up a balloon, and smacked him with it. "Wow, where are the coffins." 

 "I'd imagine they put them in the back room," Embry teased, and I laughed, hoping that I wouldn't turn around and find the scary blonde one staring me down. "You know, with the animal carcasses." 

 "Wow!" Alyssa gasped, running over and picking up a decorative pillow, "would they notice if I took this?" 

Quil shrugged, "I dunno, take it and see." 

 I spotted a familiar head in the crowd of students, and turned to Embry, "let's go see Bella!" 

 Without waiting for a response, I grabbed his hand and tugged him over. Isabella was talking to two girls, one with big hair, and one with thick-rimmed glasses. I spotted big-hairs eyes widen when he caught sight of us, and I grinned, tapping Bella's shoulder. 

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