Chapter Fourteen

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The Good Part the Bad News


"The Cullen's are back. Officially." 

 Jacob's whining could be heard even before he fully entered Emily's house, and we all just closed our eyes and silently prayed that he would go away. I guess now that he is here, we have to pretend to care about his love of Bella Swan. 

 "If they honor the treaty, we have no reason to worry about that." Came Sam's reply, the tone of his voice suggesting that one of us should stop this train before it gets to far out of the station. I decided to take one for the team, and gestured for Jake to come and sit between Embry and I. 

 "Jake, my old friend," I began, as his pout deepened and he sunk into the lumpy sofa. "Let me tell you something about tough love that my grandfather used to tell me." 

 Jake's ears perked up, and he raised a dark eyebrow. I could tell I had his interest, so I continued... in Spanish. 

 "He would look me in the eye and say Anthony... Cállate, no nos importa." 

 "What does that mean?" Jared asked from his spot squished next to Paul on the love seat,  earning a smack from said Paul, and a small smirk. I guess he took Spanish instead of French.

 "Who cares?" Embry asked, leaning his cheek against the soft fabric, "me gusta." 

 "The accent or the way he rolled the R?" 

 "Both are good." 

 "Silencio!" Paul barked, and once he saw that everyone had shut up, he relaxed into the seat, his shoulder jamming in to Jared's chin. "Let the lovesick loser speak." 

"Thank you-" Jake's voice trailed off, and an offended expression floated across his face, before he continued speaking, "anyway, is anyone up for coming with me to talk to Bella?" 

 We all groaned, Jared taking the liberty to throw himself off of the chair and smack his head off of the ground, "I would rather die!" 

 "I would rather get my head bashed in my a hammer!" 

 Jake's hands flew up in the air, as he scoffed in disbelief and rolled his eyes, "come on, you guys! I just need one person to come with me to the airport and ask about if they intend to honor the treaty, or turn Bella!" 

 "They will honor the treaty," Sam's voice re-entered the room, his buff arms crossed over his chest, "they know the consequences if they don't." 

 "That doesn't mean they won't-" 

 "Go yourself!" Embry slapped his forehead like he was the smartest person in the room, and my body heat only rose higher under the hoodie that I had no choice but to wear. "Wow, that was such a difficult decision."

"I can't go by myself, okay?" He blurted out, hi voice rising higher as his worry increased, "okay? I'm scared that she is gonna become one of... them." He spit the last word out like it was poison, and the very mentioning of the word: "scared" seemed to make him age about ten years.

 "You know what you do if you get scared?" Paul began, his voice low and his eyebrow raised so high it nearly disappeared into his hairline. I curved my shoulders forward slightly, hoping that this would be one of the rare moments Paul has something actually relevant to say. "You stand up-" 

 Here it comes.

 "Punch a tree, and keep going!" 

 There it is! I slumped back into the couch, rolling my eyes with so much force it made my forehead burn. Jacob looked unimpressed, while Embry pulled a confused face. "Wait... why would you just damage perfectly good nature." 

 "It's better than punching a person, according to the guidance counselor." 


I finally decided that I had enough, all of the nonsense swirling around me making my G.P.A drop before my eyes. I rose to my feet, spreading my arms as far as I could in he too-tight-hoodie, and gave the boys gathered in front of me my most sarcastic smirk. "Okay..." I began, clearing my throat and tugging at the collar of the sweatshirt. "If Jake doesn't want to, and since I am the most likely not to do something stupid, I will go and speak to the bloodsuckers for you." 

 Jacob's eyes lit up, "they're at the airport!" 

 "I'll come too," Embry volunteered, actually raising his hand as he stood up. "I need to get out of this damn house anyway." 

 "Cool." I nodded, my throat going dry at the very prospect of being alone with Embry for a thirty minute drive. "Cool." 

 Paul smirked, swinging his arms over the back of the chair, and lightly kicking Jared, who was still on the ground. "No detours, you two." 

 Giggles erupted around us, and I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms, again, only as far as the hoodie would allow. These guys are like little girls, and that is before they have knowledge of my racing heart and sweating palms. 

 "Let's go." 


 "Did you... like... guys before?" 

 The question was not one I was expecting to hear, and my hands tightened on the steering wheel, worried that I would cause an accident even though my black Honda Civic (yeah, cool car, I know... it was my mom's) was the only car on the rainy highway. I cleared my dry throat again, before responding. 

 "Uh, not really... although Alyssa had some theories." 

 "Of course she did," Embry shifted in his seat, facing toward me, and away from the window that he had previously been doodling on. "But you've never had a girlfriend either." 

 "I don't like this conversation," I teased, a smirk dusting my lips, as I turned just long enough to give my Imprint a look. "I hope you're about to turn this around quickly." 

 "Do you wanna start?" 

 "Start what?" 

 "Dating... er... with me?" 

 The car rapidly jerked to the side as my hands accidentally fell off the wheel, and I cursed loudly, steadying my driving as I went through all of the possible questions Embry could have been asking. I decided that, being me, I just had to have clarification, so I took a deep breath, trying to hide the fact that my stomach was pulling and my heart was threatening to climb up my throat. "Are you asking me to be your boyfriend?" 

 I sneaked a glance at Embry, only to find that he was fidgeting in his seat, and his face was almost as red as mine felt. "Uh, yeah... yeah." 

 I tried to pick out a coherent thought from my jumbled mind. A bunch of words came to my head, but they were all the scientific answer.... the smart reply that would equally benefit everyone else in my life. For once, I decided to ignore them, and sucked in enough breath to say the one word that stood out above the rest.


A/N: Hi guys! I know that was short, and probably pretty bad, but it was important, and i am screaming at eleven P.M right now!!!! Yayyyyy my babiesssss!!!

 There is one more chapter left in New Moon, and I was wondering if you guys would be interested in me writing a little one shot of what it would be like if Courtney and Tony were in the same book, because I think that would be super fun! Please tell me what you think, and any suggestions you may have for how to write Court from Tony's point of view!

 Thank you for all of the love this story has gotten already, and I hope you guys are excited to see Tony interact with the Cullen's! It is so weird writing them from a wolf's POV, but I kinda like it... 

 Please keep voting and commenting, and lots of love!

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