Chapter Sixteen

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"Estoy tratando de enseñarte español, gilipollas-" 

 The mood in my house was calm for the first time in months, and I had my first chance to relax as well. With a mixture of chasing after Victoria, and having to physically restrain myself from fighting the bloodsuckers we were forced to work with, I didn't get a lot of down time. 

 My boyfriend stared back at me with a confusion evident on his annoyingly handsome face. Embry totally understands the whole relaxation thing, but he wanted me to tech him Spanish, since he is getting a little tired of Alyssa and I talking about him when he is right next to me. He has absolutely no grasp of another language, which I don't know if I like or not. "What?" 

 I laughed, leaning my head back and shifting so I was closer to him on the couch we were sharing. "You have to roll your r's." 

 Instead, he rolled his eyes, a light smirk playing at his lips. "Babe, I think we already determined that I can't do that."

 "You gotta try, or Spanish is a lost cause for you," I teased, wiggling my eyebrows as Embry lightly pushed my arm. "Try, say perro.

 A clueless look. 

 "It means dog."

Embry scoffed, "I knew that." He shook his head slightly, although I think he both knew he didn't have a clue. I laughed again, playfully rolling my tongue just to taunt him. 

 He jumped forward, shutting me up by smashing his lips onto mine. I laughed lightly, snaking my hand around his neck, knowing the extent my boyfriend would go through to not have to do work. 

 "Ew! Get a room!" 

 Embry pulled away quickly, his face bright red, as I shot my sister an annoyed look. "We did until you showed up." 

 She gave me a coy grin in response, sticking out her tongue right as Quil walked in, holding a whisk in one hand, oats stuck in his head. I sighed deeply. Yes, Quil and Alyssa phased literally on the same day, and they also imprinted said day... on each other. Something that, I'll admit, I wasn't too thrilled about at first. 

 Hey, I'm a big brother, it's my job to be concerned. I eventually remembered that Quil was my best friend, and relaxed slightly. Also, after Alyssa called me a 'helicopter mom'. 

 "Announcement... I can not cook." 

 "Yeah, we know!" Embry shouted back, as I chucked a pillow at the boy, who caught it easily in his fingers and threw it back. "You've been telling us for like, ten years now!" 

 "Well now, it is unraveling before my very eyes," he hit the whisk against his side, making a cloud of flour fly up and make him cough. I turned to Alyssa, giving her a, really? look.  She smirked in response, walking over to hug Quil around the waist. 

 "You're such a loser." 

 "You still love me." 

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