Chapter Eleven

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Internal and External


"Tony, help, please help!" 

 "Jake?" I questioned nervously. It was later that day, and the sun had clouded over. I was walking to the beach, since that is the most peaceful place in La Push, and I need a little peace right now. "What-" 

 "It's Bella," he grabbed my arm, dragging me farther into the sand. I caught sight of the Swan girl's limp body almost immediately. I felt my eyes widen slightly as Jacob pulled me over. "You need to help her, please help her!" 

 I looked up at the pained look on Jake's face, realizing now that my peace was going to be interrupted. I sighed, kneeling on the sand and putting my head to Bella's chest, hearing a very dull beating. I exhaled sharply, placing my hands over her heart and applying pressure, pinching her nose and holding her chin back so her airways would open, blowing a breath into her chest. Bella remained still for a moment, before she shot up, sputtering and coughing up all of the water she took in.  

 I jumped up, dodging so I wouldn't get hit, and sprung to my feet, shaking my head as Jacob breathed her name and kneel-ed down. "Mission, hashtag, accomplished." 

They spoke in small voices, and I was about to run away and try to forget any of this ever happened, but Jacob helped Bella to her feet and turned to me, his eyes wide and apologetic. "Can you drive us to her house? Please?" 

 I sighed indignantly, wishing my hair was long enough to brush out of my eyes. It was one of those questions you would immediately be an asshole for saying no to... so I didn't. 

 "Sure, just give me directions." 

 And that was how I ended up squeezed in the drivers seat of Bella's crappy ruck, the girl herself squished in between Jake and I, relishing our hot body heat, and switching between leaning her head on Jacob's shoulder and mine to warm up her ears. "H-How hot are you guys?" 

 "One-oh-nine." I spoke nonchalantly, hoping to weird out the girl who was impossible to weird-out. It made me wonder what happened to her when she was all cozy with the bloodsuckers. Apparently so much weird that I couldn't freak her out any farther. 

 The drive to Bella's house was short, and silent, Jacob occasionally telling me to 'hang a right,' or to 'stop exceeding the speed limit.' 

 The sky was dark when we pulled up to the small house, there were no cars in the driveway, but a sleek one down the street a ways that seemed to catch Bella's attention. She went to open the door, and as soon as fresh air could seep through, I reached forward to close it again. The scent was familiar and revolting. Like sugary flowers. 

 A vampire. 

 "It's a bloodsucker." I said, although I am sure Jake already knew that, as his lips were curled and his eyes were wide. 

 "Wait, that's Carlisle's car!" 

 I was no stranger to the Cullen's, and I believed Carlisle was the doctor one. Bella's eyes were wider than Jacobs, as she pushed the car door open and crawled over Jacob, walking toward her house like her life had purpose again. I scoffed as Jacob jumped out, running after her and grabbing her arm. I climbed out, meeting them on the pavement and scrunching up my nose in disgust at the smell that lingered in the air. 

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