Chapter Twenty-Five

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Spirit Warriors


It is funny how your body does things on autopilot. 

 For some people it is sports, I know that Alyssa dances on autopilot. I do tests on autopilot, which sounds a lot less nerdy than it actually is... no, it is just super nerdy. 

 I think we all fight on autopilot at this point. 

 That was a given since we gathered on the field, in an outward circular position. The Cullen's were all on the outside. Rosalie Hale, the pretty blonde one, stood in front of Lyssa, while Emmett Cullen and Jasper Hale crossed their arms, in front of Paul and Jared. The doctor was next to Sam, while his wife, Esme Cullen, stood protectively in front of Leah. Quil was next to me, his eyes darting around wildly in his head, anxious thoughts swirling through his head. 

 "Remember what we trained!" Jasper barked, his voice taking on his authoritative tone. "Do not let them get their arms around you." 

 We know. Leah's passive-aggressive voice piped up, making me grateful that Edward wasn't here. You've told us a million times. 

 I rolled my eyes in sync with the rest of the pack, but we were all so used to Leah's internal quips, that none of us said anything. We just stood together, remembering our unspoken promise that we protect each other.

 I could sense the bloodsuckers before I could see them. A horrible stench that wafted from the trees, hundreds of red-eyed vampires stalking toward us. 

 They all had their faces screwed up, and I could tell they weren't anticipating the wet-dog smell that attacked them as soon as the stepped out. Jasper held his fist in the air, so we stayed still. My tail flicked, and before I could blink, the newborns charged. 

 The fight declared itself as more simple than I thought from the beginning. Paul leaped over Jasper, biting a newborn's head clean off, and we all charged. Newborns, as it seemed, were really.... stupid. They didn't see a tactic after we had used it a million times, they just went immediately for the crush... which also never worked. 

 I turned my head to check on Embry, just in time to see him smack a dismembered newborn with his paw. If I was human, I am sure my mouth would have fallen open. Thankfully, the pack was too busy killing bloodsuckers to call me out. Alice called out my name, and I looked back to see her physically round-house kick a vamp in my direction. I caught it in my mouth, taking the liberty to literally rip it in half, tossing the two parts to the side. Alice flashed me a cheeky grin, and I ran over to her, tackling a newborn about to pounce on her back, ripping it's head right off it's body.

 Alice seemed to have mastered karate at a young age, as she was just demolishing these dudes. We worked together, killing and... well, kicking. 

 I heard Jasper yell my name, and turned just in time to be flying tackled by a newborn. It's pressure pressed down on my stomach, and I jerked my large body to the side, pressing my paw against its chest. My muscles strained, and I made a point to not look at his- I mean, it's, face as I killed it. I was getting tired from these guys, as they were much stronger than I thought, and at first they are underwhelming, but it grows in difficulty as it goes on. 

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