Chapter Twenty-Two

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Quality Time


 "Okay, the rules of the game are simple." Alyssa began, shuffling the cards in her hands like she was about to tell us only one of us would make it out of here alive. "You pick a card, you roll the dice, you look at color of said dice, and-" 

 "We know how to play trivia, Lyssa!" Paul yelled, looking slightly disgruntled that he was the only one who didn't have someone to share a seat with. 

 My head was resting on Embry's lap, and I stared at the ceiling, occasionally closing my eyes in contentment when he raked his fingers though my hair. Emily forced Sam to let us take the night off of training to play board-games with her. Kim joined as well, and her and Emily were the only people in the room wearing a shirt. 

 (You heard me correctly, Alyssa was currently donning her 'very fashionable' black sports bra.) 

"I will offer an example," Alyssa shuffled thorough her cards again, and we all groaned. Lyssa has a talent of over-complicating things. "So, if it was Tony's turn, and he rolled and it landed on yellow, it would be history." She picked up a card, and reciting what it said: "what year were balloon's invented?" 

 "1824," I blurted out, not really thinking about what I was saying, and the room fell silent, aside from Alyssa, who just kept talking.

 "Correct, now-" 

 "Hold up!" Kim held her arms in the air, looking around at all of us like we were insane. She was perched on Jared's lap in a particularly uncomfortable seat, her hair swished around her shoulders when she shook her head. "You're all just going to ignore that Tony knew the year balloon's were invented in?" 

 "Yeah," I didn't lift my head, but I flashed a thumbs-up in Kim's direction, "I don't really know how I knew that  to be honest." 

"He also knows that in Utah, it is illegal to swear in front of a dead person." Alyssa said. I scrunched my face up. 

 "Yeah, I don't really know why, like what if I stub my toe in a funeral? Are they gonna arrest me?"  

 "Do you just swear by default when you stub your toe?" 

 "You don't?" 

 Alyssa scoffed. "Okay, we're gonna make teams-" 

 "I call Tony!" It was like everyone in the room had a instantaneous mental decision, as Embry's arms wrapped around my head, pulling me tighter to him, at the same time Emily and Paul jumped up and made a move to grab my arm. 

 I jumped, "damn, you guys!" 

 "He's my boyfriend!" Embry defended, making Emily roll her eyes, "well he is my honorary son." 

 "We're all your honorary son's, Emily." Quil reminded, and she shrugged. Paul spoke up next, raising his loud voice to be heard. 

 "Yeah? Well he is my favorite nerd!"  

"Here, I have an idea!" I sat up, smacking Embry's hand from my face, and grinning at everyone in the room. "How about it's me, take all of you... like, Alyssa reads a card, whoever guesses first gets a point?" 

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