Chapter 3

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Stiles and Grayce spent almost the entire school day chatting between classes and sharing theories about the new victim. Stiles had found out that he wasn't a virgin. The only things they knew about him were that he had a small dog, had a girlfriend, wasn't a virgin, was a senior, was pretty popular judging by how decorated his locker was, and that he'd been killed by the three fold death. They weren't sure about much else. Finally it was the last period.

"I have a free period." she said, "what about you."

"Perfect come on, I think I know our first suspect." Stiles said. He led her out to his jeep and she snickered

"This thing is dead, will it even start?" she asked

"Hey watch it, I like you so far, don't ruin it." he said she climbed in on the way he explained.

"So why keep this thing alive?" she asked

"Ah, well it was my mom's and after she died my dad was going to get rid of it but I told him I wanted it to drive so I fix it and fix it over and over again because it's like the only thing I have from her." he admitted

"That's sweet." she said

"So my thing is solving mysteries and my jeep. What about you little miss Elemental, what's you thing."

"Ever seen a ballerina in a leather jacket?" she asked as he chuckled.

"I can't say I have."

"My mom taught me how to dance as a metaphor for control, I got so good I was accepted to NYADA, a dramatic arts school where I trained since I was nine, actually that's where the alpha's took me from. So my thing is dance."

"And being a year above your actual grade level?" he asked

"NYADA had an advanced course of study. I worked my ass off so I could focus on auditions for Broadway or for tours, so I could dance for real." she said. He put the jeep in park.

"That's actually kind of-" he looked into her eyes as he saw her open her soul to him, "beautiful."

"Thanks?" she smiled and got out. He shook his head clearing it for what was about to come, he had told her that Deaton Scott's boss was their supernatural encyclopedia. Not much else. He walked in and Deaton came out to greet him

"You're out of school early." he remarked, "and you are?" he asked

"Yeah, free period, actually. This is Grayce. Um, I was just headed home to see my dad. He's, uh... you know, I guess you probably heard people are kind of getting murdered again. It's his job to figure it out." Stiles said

"I gathered as much from the sheriff title." Deaton said calmly

"Yeah, um... You know, but it gets kind of hard for him to do his job when he doesn't have all the information. And we all know he's missing pretty much half the story here, right? So then I started thinking, and I remembered someone who does have a lot of information. Someone who always seems to know more than anyone else around here. You." Stiles said

Deaton had said something about how he'd been in the clinic with pets all day. Grayce was no longer in the idea that he was the bad guy. In Fact she knew exactly who and what he was.

"All these symbols and things... the triskeles, the bank logo, the Mountain ash... all of it is from the Celtic druids. And anyone who has ever looked up human sacrifice before knows that the druids had a pretty big hard-on when it came to giving one up to the gods. Have you ever heard of the lindow man? 2,000-year-old body found in England? He was found strangled, head bashed in, throat cut. Threefold death. They also found pollen grains in his stomach. Guess what my favorite druid plant was." Stiles said listing off his evidence that he and Gray had found all day long.

"Mistletoe." Deaton said, pulling some out of a marked jar. Gray stood by him looking at the symbols on the jars and the plants inside them.

"I'm just telling you everything you already know, aren't I? Then why aren't you telling us?" Stiles asked

"Maybe because we've spent every moment of the last ten years trying to push something away. Denying it. Lying about it. Becomes a pretty powerful habit." he said solemnly

"All right, so this guy... is he a druid?" he asked Deaton

"No. It's someone copying a centuries-old practice of a people who should have known better. Do you know what the word "druid" means in Gaelic?"

"No." Stiles replied

""Wise oak."" said Grayce.

"You always did have a bad habit of spying." Deaton smiled at her

"So you do remember me then?"

"Who could forget you, Graycie." he smiled as she hugged him.

"What?" Stiles asked

"Had I known this was the vet you were talking about I'd have saved us a trip, he was my

mother and then sister's Emissary, a druid pre-pack to help with the mystics of things., "she smiled at Deaton, "anyways. The Celtic druids were close to nature. They believed they kept it in balance. They were philosophers and scholars. They weren't serial killers." she said

"Yeah, well, this one is." Stiles said as his phone vibrated. He answered and Gray turned to Deaton.

"I take it the alphas brought you back to get to Derek." he said

"Can't let that idiot out of my sight for ten seconds." she sighed

"I'm glad you're back, how is your."

"Power? Good, hard to handle sometimes but I don't release a lot of power something

tells me I'll be getting a few chances this semester to do so." she said.

"Do any of them know?" he asked her

"No, and I'd like to keep it that way for as long as possible" she said to which he nodded in understanding


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