[ twenty-six: real life ]

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a few days passed and i was still on a high from getting the job. my life was absolutely amazing. i've just been hired to do my dream job, i have the best friends anyone could ever ask for, and the most loving boyfriend. boyfriend, oh my god, my boyfriend.

cody and i haven't even remotely talked about how this was going to change our relationship or if it would undergo any change at all.

everything has been going so well, everything was finally making sense, it was all falling into place yet for some reason i felt a huge pit in my stomach forming.

after another celebratory dinner with emmy, corey, and mady we started going home. as cody drove through DTLA i noticed he started taking the opposite direction of my apartment.

"um codes, haven't you been to my apartment billions of times? where are we going?" i asked as we drove further away from the direction of my apartment.

"i want to show you something." he smiled.

i don't know why but i started getting really nervous, cody immediately noticed. he put his right hand on my thigh and squeezed. i calmed my breathing.

"cody i- i really think we should talk about what this job means for us." i started, he looked over at me quickly.

"it can wait baby, you'll see soon enough what it means." he said ominously.

my thoughts rattled with unnecessary anxiety and were starting to take a toll. i leaned back in the seat and exhaled.

"cody it's just - " he cut me off, "we're here!"

i looked outside as cody parked and removed his seat belt. it was dark but i could see the silhouette of an extremely tall building. i clicked my seat belt and cody opened the door for me.

"um cody?" i questioned. "just trust me sadie." he said looking at me with his soft brown eyes. i gave in. "okay."

he placed his hand on my lower back to reassure me as we made our way into the lobby of the enormous building.

cody walked right past the desk to the elevator. i looked at the man at the desk and waved as i caught up to cody.

i got in and cody pushed the button for the third floor. he looked at me and then grabbed my hand.

the elevator stopped and opened its doors. we stepped out and cody led me down the hallway. finally, we stopped in front of a door. the number read "35".

he turned to me and started, "sadie, everything has fallen into place. i'm so beyond grateful for having you here with me every day. i thank corey every day for coming back this season. my life with you in it has been the best it's ever been. i know that getting the job with the team is something you've dreamed of for so long and i understand why you want to talk about it, but right now i want to prove to you that nothing, besides baseball, has ever made more sense than my love for you. so, to take this a step, in what i hope, is the right direction," he pulled out a key and began inserting it into the door. "this place, this is ours. you say the word and this is ours."

my stomach was doing back flips. my mind was racing and my heart was pounding so loud in my chest i could hear it. i took a small step forward, cody slowly let go of my hand as i walked into the empty apartment.

i let out a breath i had no idea i was holding in, "cody, i- i don't, i'm just" i couldn't get a proper sentence out. he came up to me, "you don't have to make a decision right now baby, it's okay."

i felt the tears welling in my eyes, "cody, i love you so so much."

i could see the worry in his body language. i put my hand on his face, "hey," i said softly, "i love you and i absolutely want to move in with you."

his face lit up! he lifted me into the air and kissed me for what felt like an eternity.

author's note:
hi beauties! i hope you all are well, staying safe, and feeling much better than me. im so sorry for not posting a chapter in MONTHS, i've been so overwhelmed with schoolwork and it's hard for me to do anything but that. i've just written a few more chapters so i'm hoping as the semester comes to a close in these next two months i have more chances to write again. i hope you all enjoy these next few chapters! i love you all and thank you for the endless support on this story!
stay safe, and don't forget to add this story to your library to get notified when a new chapter is posted!
xo gabriela
(also i apologize for any typos 🥴)

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