[ thirty-seven : real life ]

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after what feels like almost an eternity, we arrive at the hospital in chandler where cody's family and emmy have already arrived. cody and jennifer check us in while ashli and emmy are doing what they can to help me through the contractions.

"deep breath in, slowly breathe out." emmy says doing the exercise with me. i follow her lead until i feel another contraction hit, this one hurts more than the last. we go on like that for what feels like eons.

after a little longer we finally get taken up to a room. cody sits by my bed holding my hand tightly through each contraction. my heart is filled with love that he's here. i'm so happy he's here.

"cody," i let out. he immediately looks up from his thoughts, "what's wrong?" he asks worried. "i love you." he smiles, "i love you too baby." i giggle at the pet name. he realizes the irony and snickers with me.

i look over at emmy trying to organize everything we brought. "em, leave that, come hold my hand." she takes a deep breath, "sorry, i got nervous. which is nothing compared to how you must be feeling. you're so strong sades, i know i've told you over and over that you're going to be the best mommy but you really are." i hold her hand tightly, "i am who i am because i've had you by my side through everything." she smiles a tear running down her face. "don't worry em, we're going to be okay."

i throw my head back into the pillow as another contraction hits, this one calls for a scream. emmy winces, i've practically crushed her hand. i sigh, "sorry em!" she smiles, "through it all, don't worry about me."

ashli and jennifer are unpacking and taking as many photos as i think their phones can take. clay and cody are sitting with me. clay is going on about the day cody was born, totally embarrassing cody. which is honestly a great distraction from the pain.

a big one comes, "cody, cody, i think they're coming." he immediately gets up, "right now??" he motions for clay to go get the nurse. i'm pressing the button on the remote frantically. another one comes. this time even worse than all the others.

the nurse comes barging in with our doctor right behind her. she lifts my covers, looks up smiling, "are you two ready to meet little belli?" i let out an exasperated laugh, cody's eyes go wide but he smiles so big. he leans back down to me, placing a sweet kiss on my forehead, "i'm so proud of you." he places a kiss on my lips, "i love you so much, now lets go have this beautiful baby."

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