Chapter 22: The Wrong Direction

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Chapter 22: The Wrong Direction

I opened my eyes feeling the heavy weight of my eye lids weigh down on me and my head spin. Why did I always end up knocked out in one place and waking up in some dark, dirty and creepy cell... or in some cases a room. But in this case I was back in a cell. This cell wasn't at all like the one I woke up when I was kidnapped from home, no this one was more like a jail cell with its metal bars, small space with nothing - not even a mattress - in it. Three plain stone walls and one bared wall, that is all I got. Pulling myself up so that my back was leaning against cool stone wall I put my head in my hands to help with the heavy head feeling and dizzy spells that was rocking my head like I was a drunken sailor on the rocky seas.

Looking around my small cell I tried to re collect my thoughts. I remembered everything that happened with Dean and then him slipping something into my food. His last words echoed through my mind. It had to be done. His words only slightly made sense to me. It had to be done? He had to knock me out and drag me into this cell? Was that what he meant?

Feeling my headache begin to lift I started to focus on what was out side my cell, although I noticed a small window on  the other side of the room - out side my cell - I couldn't see anything but some blades of grass which told me that I was relatively underground. Taking a deep breath I closed my eyes and let my ears try to pick up on the distant sounds. I heard muttering but I could only pick on some words but even then it was hard to make sense of them. Cracking my neck from side to side I loosened up my muscles and decided to try and calk out for help.

"Help!" I screamed but the sandpaper texture in the back of my throat cut me too much with the strain of my scream. My vocal cords felt like they were about to snap if I spoke another word.

Help! Someone, Thomas I know you can hear me! I screamed out through my mind link but it seems my brother had shut me out.

"Mel?! Mel you in there?" I heard a distance familiar voice and my heart jumped to attention as my head snapped in very direction searching for where the voice come from.

"I don't think she's in there, its probably just sewers." Another voice said sounding a little while unsure and uncomfortable.

"This is where her scent is the strongest okay. Help me get these bars off so I can have a look." The familiar one said and I spent the moment trying to place it but after the few weeks I've had its hard to be sure of anything right now. "Melly mouse you in there?!"


I went to yell out but the pain in my throat stopped me the moment I opened my lips and the air hit the back of my throat. I focused trying to use my mind link and open it up with Carter's pack. Cory! Down here please don't you dare leave me!

"I don't think she's..." the uncomfortable one started but Cory quickly cut in.

"Shh. Do you hear something?"

"What? Yeah I hear howling, growling and screaming coming from the arena!"

"Not that you idiot. Help me with this." Cory said as the two started to pull at the bars, the old rusted iron proved a little bit more challenging than they first thought but after a few kicks and pulls  the bars snapped right off making the two boys fall back onto the grass. I watched for a moment, my heart was echoing my ears and my breath was coming out in short, panicked and inaudible sounds.

There were a few mutters and then a loud thump making me turn to see a brightly smiling Cory picking himself up off the floor and dusting himself off after falling through the small window. Hey there Melly mouse, good to see you in one piece. He said through the mind link and I almost screamed and did a happy dance because it actually worked with someone who wasn't related too.

Oh thank god! I can't talk, my throat. I told him putting my hand to my throat and frowning my face in a pained expression.

He nodded in understanding and then came closer to the bars. "Right now lets get you out of here." He said as he gripped the bars and started to pull and push as if trying to jimmy them out of place and pull them off. Ten minutes later and I was feed up with being in this damn cell. The other wolf who was with Cory was on watch but with Cory struggling with the gate he had jumped down, and started to pull at the gates as well. With all three of us pushing and pulling the bars finally gave way, the force sent me stumbling backwards until I fell back on my butt.

Cory chuckled as he bent down to help me up. "You alright?  No broken bones? Do I need to carry you out?" He checked me over as if looking to see if I had some random bone sticking out of my arm or leg.

No I can walk. I told him and started towards the window. "Eddy, jump up and help Mel out, be careful to check who's watching." Cory ordered Eddy who just nodded and followed the orders of his superior. I watched Eddy jump up and out of the window effortlessly before reaching down for me. I took his hands and let Cory lift me up by my feet while Eddy directed me through the window, telling me to duck at the right moments and use the little body strength I posed to pull myself up. Laying down on the ground I took in the fresh air and sunlight coming through the trees suddenly loving the outdoors after being stuck in the small cell. "Let's go." Cory said as he pulled me up off of the floor against my will and we started off into the trees.

"Where are we going?" I asked a little out of breath as we went.

"Back to the pack, their waiting at the boards, once we cross that will be the end of it, they won't dare come any closer." Cory explained but I stopped hearing his words. "What now?" He looked back at me and came closer to try and pull me along.

"Two things. One how do you even know where we're going? And two, we can't just leave them here!" I said as he tried to pull me along.

"Okay either you walk where I tell you to walk or I am going to carry you." Cory argued with me.

I narrowed my eyes at him.

"Oh no you don't, even if you tell me to do something I already have orders from Carter now move it!" He whisper yelled at me and bot so gently started dragging me off in the direction he was headed before. I went to open my mouth and protest again but stopped myself as we came to a stop. We had stepped out into a clearing and found ourselves on the edge of the tree line with a large circle in front of us and a large group of people gathered around the circle. There were crumbled pillars scattered around and a stage with seats but only one was occupied - looking closely I could see Thomas seated there alone. As my gaze finally landed on gathering in the circle I began to look closer and saw Carter in his wolf form with his back turned to me.

Yeah because this is so the territory lines. Idiot. I said to Cory through the mind link.

"Carter!" I screamed out feeling my throat rub once again and I internally slapped myself for being such an idiot, using my voice when it's so sore and also screaming out and making everyone turn to me.


Yay another update! Let's see if I can have the next one up in a few days or better yet finish this book in the next week!

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