Chapter 13: All too Familiar

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Chapter 13: All too Familiar

He stepped out of the car and looked around at the burning houses, the families deserted, forced out on the street to watch their homes burn. He took a deep breath, clenched his jaw and balled his hands into fists as he fought to stay in control. He looked around him at the front line of his wolves, everyone was here ready to make quick work of the intruders. The bitter smell of rouge wolves filled the air as six bodies emerged from the smoke.

Six? Why the fuck is there only six?! He thought, and then it hit him like a tone of bricks. It was all a set up.

He turned to face his cousins "Get back to the house now!" He ordered before turning back to the front line. Rouges were a difficult bunch and with a bunch of new, young, and freshly turned wolves, he knew he was needed here even though he itched to run back and protect his family.

The rouges were quicker, stronger and not afraid to die, with the werewolf bite infecting them like a poison, they were dead anyway. But his pack being wolves of the blood had the advantage of control, full moon or not, and we have the strength of a pack.

They charged at them, ganging up two wolves to each rouge. He stormed through the crowed of snapping jaws, howls of pain and thrashing claws, grabbing a wolf that had one of the newly turned, a boy of sixteen, pinned to the floor, he grabbed his head and dug his nails into his neck and pulled, ripping out his jugular, killing him instantly. He bent down and quickly pulled thw boy to his feet and moved on to the next.

It took only minutes before the rouges littered the ground, their body parts scattered around unrecognizable, with only little casualties of his own. Wasting no time he ran over to the cars and jumped in, flooring it until he was back at the house.

Pulling up, he saw his cousins and the other wolves rumaging through the bodies, the six guards and nine others, only these weren't rouges. He felt a shrap pain in the side of his neck and stopped dead in his tracks. Melody.

"In the woods! Look in the woods!" He yelled as he rushed into the house. His heart was pounding in hos chest, his mouth dry, hands twitching in anger, and his blood was boiling, control was not an option when he got a hold of who ever did this.

His head snaped in both directions as he entered, hoping, praying that would find he boys, alive and safe, hoping that would find her. His gaze fell on the body that laid in the kitchen. Tory. Walking over to her slowly he kneeled down on front of her and gently closed her eyes. Her arms were lined with scratches, her neck was broken and throat cut. She had lost too much blood, too quickly making it impossible to heal.

He looked up at the sound of the door opening and shutting to find Cory shocked and opened mouth.

"Cory, clean her up, we need to give her a proper burial." He said with a sniff of his nose. Getting to his feet once again he stormed up the stairs taking them three at a time, he barged into his office and walked over to the mantel, fumbling with the key, desperately trying to open it.

"Harley!" He called out praying that he would something, anything.


Forcing the door open he was flooded with relief. "Daddy!" Harley screamed as he jumped into Carter's arms. He cradled his son for a moment before looking up at Will and Jack, he picked up Harley before walking up to the boys sitting on the bunk bed, he ruffled Jacks hair and pulled the boys into his embrace.

"Did you find Melody?" Will asked eagerly.

Carter's heart ached at the mention of her name. It hurt not having her with him but most of all it pissed him off that she was taken from him.

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