Mysterious power

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Mysterious Power

Everything was going well and the Kwaski's headache continued.
It was no longer just a headache and body aches added to it.
Their first year of school ended, and Kwaski didn't fought with Anthony.
They also became friends with Jimmy and Fleisha, and they were a group.
In the summer, something happened to Kwaski that revealed something hidden in him! A huge force that has been and is growing.

Selina's Room

Selina: You don't have to be upset.
I adapted to this. I don't care what he wants to tell me.
Kwaski: Why didn't you tell me?!!!
Selina: Why don't you understand? I'm trying to protect you. Did you think that I would like someone to insult me?
Kwaski: Why don't you believe me a bit?!! Selina, I'm not like before!! I became stronger, I can feel it. I have more skills. He must pay for what he said to you!!!
Selina: Kwaski!!! Accept that he has more power than you !!! This is the truth of life! The one who has more friends is stronger than the one who is alone. In the past, countries that had more troops to fight won the war. You have to accept that you can't be the strongest. There is always someone stronger than you.
Kwaski was already nervous.
Kwaski: why after all the matches I won!!! You still don't believe me!!!
Then he punched the wall.
Then something strange happened!
The sound of breaking something was heard that Selina was shocked.
Selina thought it was the sound of Kwaski bones breaking, but then she noticed a hole in the wall ... a hole made by fist of kwaski!
It was the sound of the wall crashing!
Kowaski shouted. His hand was broken!
Kwaski: AHHHHHH!!
Selina was stunned and wondered what had happened! she was shocked. she thought it was a dream! she thought he had another strange dream. How can a boy in 7 year old punch a wall and make a hole in it with one blow?
Selina: Kwaski!! how are you do....?!!
What should I do now?!!
Selina picked up the phone and called her father and said: Dad, Kwaski fell down the stairs and broke his arm! What should I do now?!
Alex: My God!!!! Selina, you have to call the emergency!!! Then go with him and when you get to the hospital, find a phone and tell us where you went!!
And then Selina called the emergency room.
she pasted a poster on the hole of the wall so that the hole couldn't be seen.

After a week

Selina: Good morning Kwaski.
Are you better?
Kwaski: I'm great. You know, the doctor said that my fingers and wrist were injured, but I could move my fingers, but a week ago I couldn't.
Selina: But it must take a month!
Kwaski: Look.
Then he shook his fingers.
Kwaski: Maybe my injuries will heal sooner than other people.
Selina: Recently a strange thing happened, piercing the wall with a fist! Adult men can't do what you did with one blow! But you have to wait a month to get your hands off the plaster.
Kwaski: It's very bad for me to still be in this situation when I'm treated.
Do you think I should break it? If only one particle of pressure ....
Selina: No. You shouldn't do this.

after a month

Kwaski was in Selina's room, looking at the spot where he had punched and a large photo of a football player pasted on it.
Selina was writing the diary of that day, Selina liked to buy a diary and write the memories and events of each day in it.
Selina: Do you know what? From now on, you must be careful not to hit anyone hard.
Kwaski: Yes.
Selina: What are you thinking about?
Kwaski: Nothing.
Selina: Don't lie to me, I can read your mind. You're thinking of defeating Anthony again, aren't you?
Kwaski: Yes.
Selina: You shouldn't do this. Kwaski, you are not my brother to worry about me. I can handle it myself.
Kwaski didn't want to start the discussion again, Selina didn't have to agree with him at all. If they came, Kwaski and his great power would happy to see them.
He no longer spent all his summer for playing. He also made time for exercise. This time he went to boxing, because he had strong hands, he had to learn different methods of boxing and become a professional in that field.
During the summer, Kwaski and Selina's friendship returned to normal, and they talked and laughed instead of arguing about Anthony.
Everything was fine and happy.
But when the time get closer to school. Selina was getting more upset every day because she had to put up with the abusive words of Anthony and his friends.
Kwaski wished he could have a good time at school like Harry Potter, school was like hell for him.

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