Rainy night

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Chapter 6 of mysterious things

Rainy night

It was a dead end alley with screams coming from inside.
A boy about the same height as Kwaski was standing at the end of the alley, with someone leaning against the wall on the ground, and the boy was beating her.
Kwaski stepped forward and the sound became clearer.
The sound of thunder from the sky was continuous.
in that alley was very dark.
He had forgotten how he got there.
he knew the boy's voice, and he hated him more than anyone.
That boy was Anthony, and the one who was screaming was Selina.
Anthony: You beat me, you're going to die here!!! There's no one to help you anymore !!!

Kwaski shouted

Kwaski: Anthony!!!!!!!!!

Anthony patted him dry and turned his head and saw Kwaski.
Selina could never forget that night, Kwaski had miraculously found her, and Kwaski scared Selina that night more than ever because he looked so much like the man in black she had dreamed.
Kwaski walked slowly and menacingly and approached slowly.

Selina: Kwaski! Ahhhhh!!!

He kicked Selina in the face.

Anthony: Shut up!!!

Kwaski was slowly getting closer.
Anthony: How? How you find us?
There was thunder in the sky and Anthony's heart poured out.
It is still raining.
Kwaski removed an iron bar from the side and cut it in half with his hands.
Anthony was surprised by what he saw!
He was very scared.
Kwaski's eyes were round from what he had seen and remained the same.
This scene was worse for him than seeing his grandmother drowning in her own blood.
In the darkness and shadow that covered Kowski's face, only his blue eyes could be seen, which remained motionless.
Anthony: I, I, I didn't want hurt her! Believe me, I was just angry and I wasn't in control.

Kowaski shouted

Kwaski: Agghhhhh!!!!!

Anthony didn't want Kwaski to get closer. Anthony pulled something sharp out of his pocket. He threw his knife at Kwaski!

Selena: Kwaski!!!!!

Man in black: Noooo!!!

The man in black quickly picked up Kwaski again.
Kwaski was taken to Anthony without his consent!
Kwaski thought for a moment that the knife had sunk into his chest ... but the knife went through his chest and then Kwaski stopped in front of Anthony!
Anthony: You .... you .... you disappeared! You disappeared!!
How did you do that!
Selina couldn't believe what she saw! she had seen that the black ghost inside her dream could disappear somewhere and reappear elsewhere. But it was a dream, how did it happen in the real life?
Kwaski punched him in the abdomen and Anthony was thrown.
Selina had never seen Kwaski like this, despite her pain, she gathered all her strength and said and tried to reach Kwaski.
Selena: Kwaski! No!
But he didn't listen and slowly got closer to Anthony and Anthony did his best to go back, but in the end he reached the alley. There was no escape.
Anthony had stuck Selina in this one-way alley, but now he was stuck in it too.
He got up and leaned back against the wall.
Anthony: Excuse me, Mr. Anderson, I was wrong, please, please !!!! Please !!! No no!!!
Kwaski punched him in the arm, hitting him so hard that the wall behind Anthony cracked.
Anthony fell to the ground screaming. His bone was definitely broken.
Anthony fell to the ground and grabbed his arm.
Kwaski sat on him, this time targeting his face.
The first blow to the face, the second blow to the chest, the third blow to the abdomen.
Kwaski: Agghhh!!!!!
Anthony died with the same first three blows.
Selina: Kwaski stop it!!! kwaski its enough!!! enough!!! kwaski.
Selina took his hands from behind.
Selina: Kwaski !! stop it!
Kwaski got up and saw Selina, blood coming from her nose and her face was full of bruises.
They hugged each other. Selina was crying.
Selina: It's all my fault, if I had waited for you to come, this wouldn't have happened. He chased me and when I found out he was chasing me, I ran and tried to get out of this alley and get lost but saw that it was closed! Oh God, now you killed someone for me!!! this is all my fault. Kwaski, you are going to jail for this !!!
Kwaski wondered what he had done!
he hates anthony but he didn't like to kill him!
Kwaski had lost control of his power. He didn't think that Anthony would die with just three blows.
Selina was looking to behind of Kwaski, whose shadow had fallen on a wall and was a tall shadow. Selina imagined this black shadow as the black ghost, he says: he is becoming me.
Selina: But there is another way!
Kwaski: What?
Selina: I am the only witness in this case and no one knows that you did this! And even if someone accuses you like that, he has no evidence.
So you are not going to jail!!! Now let's go so that no one has seen us.
Kwaski: But will people see us! They will see us if we get out of this alley.
Selina was crying and thinking what should they do?
Adviser: let me handle it. I can solve this problem. Take Selina's hand.
Just before they disappeared, a resident pulled his head out the window to find the source of those screams.
He was confronted with the scene of a dead body on the ground and two people who suddenly disappeared.
Suddenly, Kwaski and Selina got up from the ground, passed over the buildings at high speed and passed through the buildings!
They arrived home after a while.
Selena: What was that?
Kwaski: I really don't know!
On that rainy night, Kwaski saved Selina from death, but he himself took another life.
Adrian was sure it was Kwaski's job because he had seen Anthony follow Selina, and one of Adrian's friends had seen Kwaski following Selina, and Anthony was killed the same night he followed selina.
But no one accepted Adrian's words because everyone knew that he was hostile to Kwaski and Selina and didn't have the right argument and there was no evidence for his statements.

BLACK GHOST part 2 (mysterious things)Where stories live. Discover now