A boy with red eyes

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Chapter 3 of mysterious things

A boy with red eyes


At Kwaski's house, he was lying on his bed, thinking about what had happened between him and Selina.
he liked to go in her room and kiss her again.
His mother had sneaked into Kwaski's room.
Kwaski didn't notice her.
Mother's foot hit the trash can and spilled all the rubbish inside, and Kwaski came to his senses and saw his mother. Kwaski's trash can was in a very bad place, and his mother would hit it whenever she sneaked in.
Elizabeth came to Kwaski and sat on his bed and kissed his forehead.
Elizabeth: I think today was a very good day.
Kwaski: Yes.
Kwaski loved his mother very much.
she was always kind with him and helped him in his problems.
in those problems that he was aware of.
Elizabeth: Kwaski, we got a call from school today.
Kwaski was a little scared.
Elizabeth: Did nothing special happen at school today?
Kwaski: Honestly ...
Elizabeth: You fought with 5 or 6 boy, didn't you?
Kwaski: Mom, they ....
Elizabeth: They sat at your table and I don't know the rest of story! But you were very violent. Cameras didn't record the sounds. But all the pictures were recorded.
Kwaski's face was flushed with embarrassment.
elizabeth: He's waiting in Selena's room. Come on.
Kwaski: But ....
Elizabeth: When did your father mistreat you?
Kwaski: But this is different.
Elizabeth: Come.
He and Elizabeth entered the room.
In Selena's room, Kwaski's father was leaning against the wall.
Selina's mother was sitting on the bed next to her, and Alex was looking out the window at the backyard.
Kwaski looked at his father, he looked a little angry.
Aunt Mary, like Elizabeth, had a smile on her face and Selina's face was flushed like Kwaski.
Alex: We need to talk, Kwaski.
Alex came to Kowaski.
He was scared for a moment but Alex just passed him.
Alex: Shall we go?
Richard: Alex, I have to talk with Kwaski. ... Kwaski, what were you really thinking when you hit those guys?!!! Did you think about the consequences of your work? Did you think if those children got home, their parents wouldn't do anything? Did you ever think that the school itself wouldn't follow what happened to them?
Kwaski: So why did no one do anything when that happened to me last year?
Richard: The cameras were broken that day and no picture was taken!!!
Alex and I went there and saw what you did! You didn't learn martial arts to beat others ....
Kwaski: I learned martial arts to help someone who needs help. If strong people in the world help the weak ones, no one will ever be harassed by bullies!
Richard: Kwaski! You could tell to the moderator or the headmaster or tell us! your actions was wrong.
Selina: Uncle, Kwaski did this for me!
Richard: I know! But sometimes you have to step back, so your parents can get things done! Parents are for these things too.
Elizabeth: Richard, You have to be calm.
Richard: I can't Elizabeth! You didn't see what he did! for your action, you need to learn your actions are have a punishment! you will never go to martial arts.
Alex: I think I'd better talk to him, you're very angry. Come on Kwaski.

BLACK GHOST part 2 (mysterious things)Where stories live. Discover now