Being teleported

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Chapter 5 of mysterious things


After returning from Fleisha's house to Jimmy's house, he recounted this sweet memory. Of all the memories he had with Selina, he loved this one the most. Their first kiss.
Jimmy: Hey Kwaski, Kwaski!
Kwaski: Ha, what?
Jimmy: What do you think I should wear?
Kwaski: I don't know! But ... I think you should wear that brown coat.
It's getting cold tonight, and that's warm.

8 pm

Mr. emmell: Guys, come back soon. Kwaski, please take care of Jimmy.
Kwaski: ok, Mr. emmel.
Then, we quickly made our way to Fleisha and headed to the Neverland Football Stadium.
The stadium is very big.
Large crowds come from three cities to watch football, and I went many times, the first time I went with Selina.
We went many times because she loved football so much.
But I don't like football very much, but I went because of her.
The next time I went with Jimmy and Fleisha.
We approached a restaurant near the bridge that led to the stadium.
There were a lot of people there and we passed and got to a place where we had to give tickets so we could cross the bridge on foot.
Usually everyone uses the car, but we always have a special interest in walking. Today, I thought that Fleisha and Jimmy would come with a bodyguard because their fathers are important and well-known people, but they come alone.
We wanted to give the tickets, but Fleisha said
Flisha: Oh No!!!! I missed something.
Wait for me to come back here, okay?
Jimmy and Kwaski: Okay.
Fleisha went and get lost in the crowd.
They waited for a while and Fleisha didn't return.
Kwaski's thoughts went back to the past.
Recently, their fathers talked to the school, and Selina came to Kwaski's class, and they sat down together in one bench, and Jimmy went to another class because there was an empty seat, so he sat down next to Fleisha and everyone was happy.
Kwaski and selina were already closer to each other. Their relationship had reached a new stage.
Kwaski regained consciousness and found himself in the crowd waiting for the fleisha

I looked around, I feel something is missing?
Oh my God!!!!
Where is Jimmy? !!!!!!
He didn't inform me before he left, why?!!
maybe, maybe when I was distracted someone ....? No no no no no !!!!
Kwaski: Sir, did you see a skinny boy by my side?
The person I'm talking to is the one who gets the ticket.
Ticket manager: I saw. he went with a man. He went there.
He pointed to the left with his finger.
Kwaski called Jimmy but he didn't answer.
He called 4 more times. He was scared. He hurried to the left.
Kwaski pushed everyone and opened the way, moving forward.
As he was looking for Jimmy, a bitter memory suddenly came to his mind.
kwaski: Adviser! adviser! did you see Jimmy? can you find him for me? Oh God!! where are you adviser!!! why don't you answer me? Where are you? I need your help.

Strange displacement

The end of the second year of school

Kwaski was added to the American football team in the middle of the year at the request of the school's American football team captain, James Johnson.
It didn't take long for Kwaski to shine in the first two games.
This made him more popular than before.
In the final match at the end of the year, with Kwaski scoring for the team, they won the match and all the kids came down and lifted Kwaski up, Kwaski was very happy.
He never understood why Selina left at that night.
Kwaski was so engrossed in fame that he didn't notice she is leaving.
Just 5 minutes after Selina left, the man in black asked him a question.
Man in Black: Kwaski, Where is Selina?
Kwaski looked around but didn't find Selina, where was she?
Kwaski: Let me go, I have to go.
Then the crowd left him.
Kwaski looked everywhere, but he cant find Selina.
Then he saw Max and Bob.
They also came to watch his match and came forward with a smile and clapped for him.
Max: Kwaski, I say on behalf of all the kids in the family that your job was great!!!
His relationship with Max was better than before.
Kwaski: Guys, did you see Selina?
Max: I didn't see her.
Bob: she left.
Kwaski: Where!? Where did she go alone?
Bob: I don't know! But she left.
Kwaski passed them and got out.
How could she find Selina in Future City?
Kwaski: Adviser!!! What should I do?
city is dangerous at night. she shouldn't have gone alone.
Man in black: I going to find her now. You just have to wait for me to come back.
Kwaski: Come back!? where do you wanna go?
Kwaski no longer heard him, and the man in black was not with him.
Kwaski walked anxiously for 10 minutes until he heard the adviser again.
Man in black: I found her!
Kwaski: Well, where should I go!?
Man in black: Until you try to reach her, it's not clear what will happen to her.
Kwaski: she is in danger!?
Man in black: Yes! We don't have much time! Just don't be afraid!
Kwaski: From what?
The man in black wrapped his hand around Kwaski's body and then ..... Kwaski saw that everything passed quickly in front of his eyes and then, maybe in less than a few seconds ..... he was somewhere else!
Kwaski: What was that!!?
Man in black: Go inside this alley!
Don't waste the time Kwaski!
the weather was rainy. It was raining heavily.
Kwaski hurried into the dark alley.
Selina shouldn't have left school that night without kwaski.
she caused something bad to happen.

BLACK GHOST part 2 (mysterious things)Where stories live. Discover now