Selina Martinez

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Chapter 7 of mysterious things

Selina Martinez

This memory of Kwaski quickly passed through his mind and reminded him of that night.
No one knows why I love Selina so much.
Because no one has had a person like Selina by their side.
I didn't know where to go.
I'm waiting for a adviser who always helped me in the fight and the chase. But there was no news about him.
The adviser has not spoken to me for a week now.
I don't know, but I have no explanation for him either. I mean, is it possible that he is another illusion?
I continued and went and after, I see something. A man put a boy in the car and then left.
I ran after the car.
Thanks to my strengths, I get tired later than others.
He's going to a big food restaurant.
The restaurant had tables outside the building and the restaurant itself had two floors.
From a distance, I saw Fleisha, she's next to another girl.
she has been here all this time!!!
The car stopped and Jimmy and the man walked over to Fleisha and the girl.
Kwaski: Jimmy!!!
Fleisha and the girl noticed Kwaski's voice and looked for the source.
And then Fleisha said.
Fleisha: Kwaski!!!
The man turned and said
Man: Do you know this boy?
Kwaski: I have this question for you, Fleisha!?
Fleisha approached Kwaski.
Fleisha: What are you doing here?
Jimmy! Wasn't he supposed to not understand!?
Jimmy: What else can I do!
When he was distracted, I thought he didn't understand!
Kwaski: What are these things for?
Fleisha: Jimmy and I wanted to introduce you to one of our friends.
We wanted you to be surprised!
Kwaski: Now who .....
strange Girl: Hello Mr. Anderson.
The girl smiled.
she wore beautiful smoky glasses, her lipstick is pale red, a white scarf around her neck. she is wearing a brown leather jacket and blue pants.
Kwaski: .... h .... hi!
She was a beautiful girl.
The girl laughed.
Kwaski: .... Hello .... Who are you !?
she smiled.
Girl: selina (said in a low voice) Martinez.
Martinez! President's daughter !?
Fleisha and Jimmy are friends with the president's daughter!?
Kwaski: Nice to meet you, Ms. Martinez!
Selina Martinez: me too, Mr. Anderson!
My friends call me selina.
Kwaski: My friends, call me Kovansky ... Sorry, Kwaski is my name.
Fleisha: Kwaski, this is Selina Martinez. I told you that Jimmy and I are friends with her.
Kwaski: Yes, you said that.
But I thought you were lying.
Selina: You didn't say you were friends with one of Anderson's family! I thought all Anderson family had left the country!
Kwaski: they left alone here.
Selina Martinez took off her glasses.
she have blue eyes.
I can see her face better now.
She looks like my own Selina.
Selina Martinez: I'm really sorry, Mr. Kwaski. Did I pronounce it correctly?
Kwaski: Yes. There is nothing wrong with that, I have come to terms with that.
Jimmy: Guys, if you're done talking, let's go to the stadium!
Then they went to the stadium with car of bodyguard.
We wanted to sit in our seats but ....
Selina: Jimmy, can you get up so I can sit next to Kwaski? Because I don't like football, so the two of us can talk and you can watch football.
Jimmy: You don't like football?
Fleisha: Jimmy, get up!
Selina: Of course I don't like! Well, we got to know each other very badly. is not it?

Kwaski: Yes, it wasn't good at all!
Selina: Mr. Anderson ...
Kwaski: My friends call me Kwaski.
Selina: Sorry for your parents. It must be very painful.
Kwaski: Yes, it was. But I don't care anymore.
Selina: You aren't right because everyone always loves their parents, even if they are very upset with their parents.
Kwaski: How did you meet Jimmy and Fleisha?
Selina: From the annual celebrations 2 years ago. How did you meet them?
Kwaski: I met Jimmy at school, we sat together in first and second year of school. (Laughter) He wore glasses at that time and his face was very funny.
Selina Martinez laughed too.
Selina: It must have been so funny!
How long have you been living with Jimmy?
Kwaski: Approximately 7 or 8 years.
Selina: So why didn't you see me at the annual celebrations ?!
Kwaski: Because I didn't want to come and I wasn't there.
Selina: Oh. You know, I have a special skill in making people happy and helping others, if I went to psychiatry I was sure I would succeed but my parents didn't agree. Let's go to the main reason why I came here, Fleisha told me that one of his friends has problems and asked me to talk to him and I must say I was really surprised that Kwaski Anderson is that person!
Kwaski understood what Fleisha meant by her own method
Kwaski: I'm not interested in talking about it. Sorry for bringing you here.
she said in a special tone
Selena: Why?
Kwaski: Because .... because, it's personal.
Selina: Kwaski, if you put all the problems you have in yourself, you will get sick. you must talk with someone.
That was what his illusion told him today, she had said that Kwaski needed to talk to someone.
Someone who can be trusted.
Kwaski: If I want to talk, I have to trust you. Do you promise that our words will remain between us?
Selina: I swear.
Kwaski began. He has tell all the important memories. Sweet and bitter memories, he told it all to Selina Martinez. He just didn't say anything about mysterious things.
Selina: So I'm not the first Selina you have ever encountered! You may not believe it, but I have never met a person named Selina !!!
Kwaski: Interesting. I also didn't see anyone whose name is Kwaski! This name doesn't exist anywhere in the world and is meaningless. but Selina loved the name. She was the most lovely girl I ever saw
Selina: Honestly, your name is beautiful.
Kwaski looked at her in surprise.
Selina Martinez smiled.
Selina: You still love her, don't you?
Kwaski: Of course.
Selina: She was lucky. believe me!
It's the wish of every girl to have such a boyfriend! Why did you try to solve her problem when she had a problem?
Kwaski: Well, one is that I loved her and didn't want anyone to bother her, and secondly, I blamed this problem on myself.
Selina: What did it have to do with you?!
Kwaski: Before we became friends, she was good to everyone and everyone liked her and I was alone and no one liked me and everyone was bothering me. I hated her when I was a kid because she had everything I wanted and I didn't have those things. I was very jealous of her and I always cursed her, and Anthony was the curse that came into her life because of my request.
Selina: But after you became friends. You didn't do this anymore.
it's true?
Kwaski: Yes. I didn't. That's why I felt so responsible for this, because she was cursed by me.You know, I never told her that. The relationship between us went from hatred to love.
Selina: Kwaski, I have a big question!
You and Selina were very much in love. Where is she now? Why did you miss her so much? Why don't you talk to him on the phone? or video call?
Kwaski became silent. He stared at the point.
He said with hatred.
Kwaski: she's not here anymore.
Selina: Where is she?
Kwaski: A better place. this world doesn't deserve her presence! now,
she's between her own types! she was an angel and now ..... she's among the angels. I wish I could die sooner to join her.
Selina Martinez understood what he meant.
Selina Martinez: She .... she .... is she dead?
Kwaski start crying. he closed his eyes.
Kwaski: No! No!! she didn't die! she was killed!!!
Selina Martinez: Was she killed?!
How do you know?
Kwaski: I .... I saw that animal with my own eyes!!!
Selina: Her killer ... did you see her death with your own eyes?
Kwaski: No!!! He came to me himself! He himself confessed!! his name was beelzebub! A man in the red devil suit and yellow eyes.

BLACK GHOST part 2 (mysterious things)Where stories live. Discover now