A boy with red eyes ch 2

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Chapter 4 of mysterious things

continue of A boy with red eyes

They went into the yard.
Their yard was full of green grass.
There were two apple trees there.
In the space between the two trees, there were chairs to sit on.
Alex: Sit, boy.
They sat down.
Alex: Kwaski, what Richard wanted to say. It was that you shouldn't decide alone. Because you are very young, but I thank you for doing that for Selina. You kept your word.
Kwaski couldn't look at his uncle.
Alex: Kwaski, look at me.
Kwaski: I couldn't do anything. You are right. I should have told you sooner.
Alex: What should you have said earlier?
Kwaski: It was not the first time they had harassed Selena.
Kwaski's head was still down.
Kwaski: Last year, on the first day of school ... that Anthony Wilson. From the first day, he harassed Selina.
Alex was surprised.
Kwaski: Selina told me the first day.
But I couldn't stop Anthony. I failed.
And that defeat had bad a consequences for me, but it got worse for Selina.
Alex: The same kids you beat. Were they the same kids who beat you last year? Why didn't Selina tell us?
Kwaski: Yes, they were. Uncle, one of the school members is related to Anthony, so he broke the rules. He was a bully. he threatened Selina that if she said anything to anyone, they would beat me every day. And Selina was scared. So Selina decided to lie to everyone. But when I was in the hospital, I wanted to tell you, but Selina was still afraid of Anthony. So she threatened me if I say anything. Our friendship will be end. I was afraid of Selina threatening. I felt very bad but then I came to a conclusion. If I can't tell the school or you, then I'm the only one who has the power to stand in front of Anthony. So I went to improve my fighting skills because skill is the most important thing and it brings strength with it.
Suddenly, Alex turned his head to Kwaski when he heard the phrase.
Kwaski: And today, I was finally able to save Selena. she was very upset! It's been a month since Selina avoided meeting Anthony and his friends. She went to the girl's bathroom and took refuge there!
I couldn't wait any longer. That's why I fought them again! And this time I taught the Anthony a lesson not to approach Selina in anymore.
Alex had clenched his fist and became very angry. But he tried to talk to Kowaski slowly.
Alex: That's what happens when kids think they can solve problems by themselves. Kwaski, you should have told me when you were in the hospital! Selina's threat was absurd.
Kwaski: Uncle! I could have saved Selina from the day one. But it's all the fault of this damn headache!
Alex: Headache? Were you sick?
Kwaski: No! I don't know why I became like that. I told my mother and she told the doctors but even they didn't understand why I had a headache! They thought I was lying because I had no symptoms of a headache. I don't know what disease this is! This headache suddenly ....
Alex: It starts suddenly, it hurts all over your head. So that you close your eyes in pain. Are you talking about that? am I right?
Alex smiled.
Kwaski was surprised.
Kwaski: Did you have this disease too?
Alex: Your father and I experienced it. This isn't a disease. This is a sign that you have changed. This is a sign of a gift.
Kwaski: So why isn't Selina like that?
Alex: Because that particular gene isn't active for Selina. Richard and I and you are special. We are different from the rest of the people. Selina isn't one of us. Or the rest of the family, they aren't like us. Tell me, has anything strange happened to you so far?
Kwaski remembered his special power. And then he remembered his broken arm, which healed very quickly.
Kwaski: No. Nothing special happened to me.
Alex: Just know that, this headache is not a disease and you will get better soon. Tell us whenever you notice something strange. I don't think you told your father you had a headache.
Kwaski: No, I told my mother.
Alex: If something strange happens, tell your father from now on.
They looked at each other for a while.
Alex: Well. We need to talk about you and Selina. I found out late.
You and Selina need to know one thing. that action, it's not good for kids. don't do it again.
Kwaski was surprised!
He expected something worse.
Alex: You are a good boy and I always trusted you. I would rather my daughter be with you than be with a bad person in the future. That's why I insisted that she sit next to you. Because I was afraid of that she would sitting next to a bad person. And my fear came true. This boy Anthony was one of those boys I was afraid to face Selina. I saw how dangerous and bad these boys can be. And how much they can hurt a girl. Your father and I saw a lot of these weird people. But no one is as bad as the boy I know. I'm glad you were there to protect Selina.
..... Because I know a girl, she had no one like you. And that boy tormented that girl.
Kwaski: Anthony is a very bad person too.
Alex laughed.
Alex: Anthony isn't as bad a person as I say. He was the worst human being ever born. And he was in our class. He had red eyes. The part of his head had white hair and the rest of his hair was black. He had a terrible face. The only thing that attracted him was the bad and terrible things. He bothered the girl a lot. But fortunately, he is no longer alive.
Kwaski: His eyes ... were red?
Alex: The sclera of his eyes was white, but in his sclera, there were red veins and the iris of his eyes was also red! In the first year of school, the only ones who were not afraid of him were me and your father.
Don't be afraid, that person is no longer alive. There are many reasons why a person becomes a bad person. But I know you are good and you will be, because I know you. Now I have to go back to that ruined school with Richard and bury it because of what they did to my daughter. And my last word to you is, I have no problem with your relationship with Selina.
And then they went back inside the house. Richard had calmed down.
Alex: Richard, we have to go back to that damn school!
Richard: Why?
Alex: Let me tell you.
They moved away a little.
But Kwaski could hear them.
But he didn't understand anything of their conversation. None of their words made sense. It was as if they were talking in another language.
Only the last sentence of his father was clearly heard.
Richard: Ashim, Garres Mordemeri Sashimeni!
Richard was angry again.
Kwaski looked at his father in surprise, what was that sentence!?
Mary: Where are you going?
Alex: I think I should punch Wilson and his son in the mouth!
Mary: Why?
Alex: Ask Kwaski and Selina.
Selina looked at Kwaski in surprise.
Elizabeth: What happened, Richard?
Richard: Wilson's son has been harassing Selina for a year. He was the one who beat Kwaski. Now that he has seen the punishment for his actions, he has come to complain to Kwaski! We are going to destroy that school on the head of Wilson and the rest of those families.
And then they left.
Kwaski and Selina had to tell the whole story to the mothers from the beginning.

BLACK GHOST part 2 (mysterious things)Where stories live. Discover now